Tabular State Forecast
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FPUS65 KSLC 110801

Tabular State Forecast for Utah
National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT
201 AM MDT TUE MAR 11 2025

This product is issued routinely in the early morning and late
afternoon. It may not represent the latest forecast.

   Daily predominant daytime weather 6AM-6PM
   Forecast temperatures...early morning low/daytime high
         Probability of precipitation nighttime 6PM-6AM/daytime 6AM-6PM
          - indicates temperatures below zero
         MM indicates missing data

   FCST     FCST     FCST     FCST     FCST     FCST     FCST
   Today    Wed      Thu      Fri      Sat      Sun      Mon
   Mar 11   Mar 12   Mar 13   Mar 14   Mar 15   Mar 16   Mar 17

   Salt Lake City
   Ptcldy   Sunny    Rnsnow   Ptcldy   Snow     Ptcldy   Rain
     /63    41/62    47/56    33/44    33/45    33/55    40/53
      /00    00/00    10/90    90/30    50/80    20/20    40/60

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Rnsnow   Ptcldy   Snow     Ptcldy   Rnsnow
     /58    39/56    44/51    26/39    29/40    27/49    36/49
      /00    00/00    10/100   90/40    60/90    20/20    30/70

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Rnsnow   Ptcldy   Snow     Ptcldy   Rnsnow
     /62    41/61    46/55    33/44    33/46    32/55    41/52
      /00    00/00    10/90    80/30    50/80    20/30    40/70

   Brigham City
   Sunny    Sunny    Rnsnow   Ptcldy   Snow     Ptcldy   Rnsnow
     /60    37/59    44/53    28/44    30/45    29/52    37/51
      /00    00/00    20/90    80/30    50/90    30/40    50/70

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Rnsnow   Mocldy   Snow     Ptcldy   Rnsnow
     /60    40/57    44/51    31/39    31/40    28/51    38/51
      /00    00/00    10/90    90/40    50/80    20/10    30/60

   Sunny    Ptcldy   Rnsnow   Ptcldy   Snow     Mocldy   Rnsnow
     /54    31/53    39/48    24/38    26/39    25/46    32/44
      /00    00/00    20/90    70/30    50/90    30/40    50/70

   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Rnsnow   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Rnsnow
     /59    31/60    38/50    27/45    27/48    28/57    33/51
      /00    00/00    10/80    30/00    20/10    00/10    30/50

   Park City
   Ptcldy   Sunny    Snow     Snow     Snow     Ptcldy   Snow
     /50    30/48    35/43    23/30    22/31    19/40    29/41
      /00    00/00    20/100  100/60    60/90    40/30    30/70

   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Rnsnow   Snow     Snow     Ptcldy   Rnsnow
     /55    28/54    35/48    25/36    23/37    19/47    29/46
      /00    00/00    20/90   100/60    60/90    30/20    30/60

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Rnsnow   Ptcldy   Snow     Ptcldy   Snow
     /45    22/45    31/42    19/29    17/31    15/39    25/39
      /00    00/00    10/80    80/30    30/80    20/30    40/60

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Snow     Snow     Snow     Ptcldy   Snow
     /45    26/42    31/39    18/28    18/29    14/37    26/40
      /00    00/00    20/100  100/70    70/100   40/30    40/70

   Bear River RS
   Ptcldy   Sunny    Snow     Snow     Snow     Ptcldy   Snow
     /48    19/48    26/43    11/28    10/30    9/42     22/41
      /00    00/00    20/90   100/70    50/90    40/30    30/70

   Mirror Lake
   Ptcldy   Sunny    Snow     Snow     Snow     Ptcldy   Snow
     /34    18/33    23/27    10/15    9/17     7/27     19/28
      /00    00/00    20/100  100/80    60/90    40/30    30/70

   Soldier Summit
   Ptcldy   Sunny    Snow     Snow     Snow     Ptcldy   Snow
     /47    22/45    25/38    17/27    16/29    12/38    22/41
      /00    00/00    10/100  100/50    40/90    20/10    20/50

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Rain     Ptcldy   Snow     Ptcldy   Ptcldy
     /57    30/57    33/50    25/40    22/42    21/48    28/53
      /00    00/00    00/80    90/30    10/50    10/00    10/30

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Rain     Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy
     /58    32/59    34/49    26/41    24/42    23/50    30/53
      /00    00/00    00/80    90/20    20/40    00/00    10/30

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Rain     Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy
     /67    28/66    36/59    30/51    24/53    22/60    31/65
      /00    00/00    00/70    90/20    10/20    00/00    00/10

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Rnsnow   Ptcldy   Snow     Sunny    Ptcldy
     /59    30/59    37/52    24/39    25/38    20/54    31/54
      /00    00/00    10/90   100/30    50/60    10/00    10/40

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Rnsnow   Ptcldy   Snow     Ptcldy   Mocldy
     /63    33/59    40/54    23/43    25/46    24/57    35/56
      /00    00/00    00/90    90/10    40/50    00/00    10/40

   Cedar City
   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Rnsnow   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy
     /58    28/53    36/46    18/40    20/43    20/52    31/54
      /00    10/20    70/100  100/10    50/30    00/00    10/30

   Bryce Canyon
   Ptcldy   Sunny    Snow     Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy
     /49    18/47    24/38    10/33    11/35    8/45     19/47
      /00    00/10    20/100   90/10    30/30    00/00    00/20

   St George
   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Rain     Sunny    Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy
     /68    43/63    48/55    33/51    33/56    33/63    40/65
      /00    10/10    60/100   80/00    30/10    00/00    00/20

   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Rnsnow   Sunny    Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy
     /62    33/59    39/51    25/44    26/48    24/58    32/61
      /00    10/10    40/100   80/10    30/20    00/00    00/20

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Rain     Sunny    Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy
     /68    40/66    42/62    34/54    33/55    32/63    40/67
      /00    00/00    00/70    90/10    10/20    00/00    00/10

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Snow     Ptcldy   Snow     Ptcldy   Snow
     /50    30/48    34/44    22/30    20/32    20/40    29/41
      /00    00/00    10/80    80/30    30/70    20/20    30/60

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Mocldy   Ptcldy   Mocldy   Ptcldy   Ptcldy
     /53    28/54    33/48    23/35    19/36    19/46    27/49
      /00    00/00    00/60    80/40    00/40    10/10    20/40

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Mocldy   Mocldy   Mocldy   Ptcldy   Ptcldy
     /60    31/61    35/56    30/45    23/45    21/52    29/57
      /00    00/00    00/50    90/50    00/40    00/00    10/30

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Mocldy   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy
     /68    39/66    44/62    33/50    30/52    28/59    38/66
      /00    00/00    00/50   100/50    10/30    00/00    00/10

   Ptcldy   Sunny    Mocldy   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy
     /58    31/55    34/51    26/42    24/43    22/50    30/57
      /00    00/00    00/70    90/40    10/40    00/00    00/10


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