![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
652 UMUS46 KSEW 121201 COR SGLUIL 72797 TTBB 62128 72797 00012 06321 11008 03356 22980 01359 33963 02356 44955 02328 55951 01159 66937 00266 77921 00167 88883 02366 99834 06362 11783 08961 22748 10360 33746 09960 44744 08958 55741 08558 66735 08160 77703 09561 88670 11961 99664 12163 11645 13362 22613 15962 33592 16565 44544 20165 55543 20166 66539 20167 77497 24164 88472 26565 99462 27370 11457 27965 22446 28967 33434 30765 44355 41767 55301 51560 66290 53361 77275 56158 88268 57160 99257 57964 11239 60563 22230 57170 33218 58769 44206 57372 55197 53978 66189 55177 77187 53379 88183 52979 99182 52979 11170 53979 22160 50981 33155 52180 44153 50582 55146 50582 66137 51781 77136 50782 88127 53380 99126 53380 11121 51781 22111 53181 33106 51382 44100 52781 21212 00012 08502 11996 05010 22977 05010 33937 08014 44919 07021 55825 07023 66803 06017 77768 01010 88762 00511 99741 01026 11696 35024 22664 01019 33617 36019 44564 35527 55520 32527 66484 34036 77387 35035 88315 33532 99269 36029 11253 33527 22247 32532 33237 33534 44216 32529 55190 31551 66154 33049 77143 31043 88121 32548 99100 31543 31313 44108 81105 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00017 10181 10194 06513 02517= PPBB 62128 72797 90/12 08502 05012 06509 90346 07520 07018 06521 90789 03013 00518 00525 91012 35024 01019 35522 91345 36019 35522 35527 91679 35025 32527 34036 92045 34031 35035 34530 929// 33532 93024 34531 36029 32532 9357/ 33534 32529 94046 31551 33049 31043 949// 32548 9503/ 32543 31543=