![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
007 UMUS46 KSEW 060001 COR SGLUIL 72797 TTBB 56008 72797 00003 00700 11958 00705 22929 02500 33810 09301 44791 10103 55763 12924 66649 21514 77614 24716 88601 25916 99593 26725 11574 28922 22558 30733 33527 34323 44499 37540 55476 40538 66469 41314 77465 41726 88460 42722 99454 43140 11449 43324 22442 43936 33441 44148 44438 44157 55436 43971 66401 42777 77307 46175 88270 43183 99241 45983 11203 42987 22179 46385 33172 44587 44152 43188 55125 48185 66105 48586 77100 49985 21212 00003 04008 11927 13021 22883 14528 33827 15519 44778 12516 55698 14510 66677 13511 77657 15010 88631 13511 99614 14011 11557 11012 22534 13010 33524 12512 44511 15011 55491 15512 66481 14012 77463 16017 88449 17512 99434 21510 11421 22005 22410 21510 33398 24515 44384 23016 55371 25015 66339 23524 77321 26021 88295 24529 99267 26038 11259 26536 22222 25536 33178 26043 44170 26033 55165 26545 66147 24543 77106 28031 88100 26529 31313 44108 82305 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00002 10181 10194 13019 14016= PPBB 56008 72797 90/12 04008 06516 11520 90345 14025 14524 15519 90678 14518 12516 14017 909// 14514 91012 13511 15010 13511 91345 14011 12010 11012 91678 13010 12512 15512 919// 16017 92012 17512 21510 21510 92345 24515 23016 24017 92689 23524 26021 24529 93026 25028 26038 25536 94125 26043 26545 24543 95023 26040 28031 26529=