![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Tucson, AZ
Issued by NWS Tucson, AZ
225 UMUS45 KTWC 050000 SGLTWC 72274 TTBB 55008 72274 00926 29896 11919 28096 22704 06281 33702 06886 44699 06686 55691 06471 66680 05068 77671 04470 88668 04067 99655 03473 11635 01675 22625 00672 33596 01382 44583 02177 55534 07779 66505 11572 77500 12166 88498 12361 99495 12761 11492 12963 22485 13762 33483 13959 44481 13965 55474 14765 66465 15173 77463 14976 88405 24569 99388 26770 11364 28777 22343 32169 33331 32777 44304 35973 55300 35975 66297 34979 77294 35578 88292 34581 99277 35980 11249 41376 22237 42578 33228 43380 44205 49377 55178 55174 66150 60177 77149 59777 88141 61977 99138 63575 11123 68771 22117 70171 33110 72769 21212 00926 23504 11913 25010 22878 23511 33844 25013 44821 23517 55793 21516 66765 23513 77722 22508 88714 24510 99702 22516 11661 24025 22585 25030 33473 24545 44402 25540 55348 26564 66319 27556 77286 29574 88261 29579 99234 28575 11192 30560 22178 29550 33157 30060 44146 30547 55137 29039 66121 27546 77111 29055 88103 31028 99100 30021 31313 44108 82303 41414 00900 51515 10164 00091 10194 24012 23012= PPBB 55008 72274 90/34 23504 25011 23511 90567 25013 23517 21516 9089/ 23513 24507 91024 22516 24025 23526 9156/ 25030 24533 92015 24541 24545 26041 928// 26564 93035 27558 29574 29579 937// 28575 94236 30560 29550 30060 9489/ 30547 29039 95013 28542 27546 29055 9545/ 31028 30021=