![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Tucson, AZ
Issued by NWS Tucson, AZ
022 UMUS45 KTWC 121200 SGLTWC 72274 TTBB 62128 72274 00924 09458 11908 09061 22897 08261 33844 03858 44820 02860 55743 03750 66710 06357 77703 06160 88667 07564 99651 07958 11644 07960 22642 07764 33639 07562 44598 09956 55581 10742 66570 11156 77547 12946 88530 14729 99516 15343 11495 17718 22488 18125 33468 20905 44466 21103 55464 21302 66460 21709 77458 21337 88457 21343 99453 21749 11435 23957 22402 29146 33374 32737 44369 33538 55368 33550 66366 33550 77362 34150 88332 39735 99329 40345 11325 41156 22317 42544 33305 45156 44300 46145 55285 48743 66279 49750 77272 51544 88270 51756 99264 52540 11263 52746 22262 52931 33261 52936 44260 52569 55257 53364 66232 56565 77226 56167 88215 56769 99204 58569 11199 58169 22190 55376 33186 52179 44181 51380 55120 58976 66113 56978 77100 59177 21212 00924 14004 11852 24010 22764 28015 33730 28014 44715 26515 55690 25525 66648 27545 77613 26552 88571 28057 99480 27570 11448 27566 22265 29102 33215 28076 44195 27096 55176 27567 66153 27055 77135 27071 88123 26060 99115 27562 11112 28052 22100 27033 31313 44108 81105 41414 00903 51515 10164 00012 10194 25004 26515= PPBB 62128 72274 90/34 14004 31502 24504 90567 24010 26015 26516 9089/ 28014 27515 91023 25525 27546 26552 91456 27049 28057 27060 92015 27569 27566 28073 93038 29092 29102 28076 94025 27096 27567 27055 948// 27071 95012 26061 27562 28052 954// 27033=