Evacuation Immediate
Issued by NWS Tulsa, OK
Issued by NWS Tulsa, OK
428 WOUS44 KTSA 112249 EVITSA OKC117-120200- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Evacuation Immediate Jennings Fire Department Jenning Oklahoma Relayed by National Weather Service Tulsa OK 549 PM CDT Tue Mar 11 2025 The following message is transmitted at the request of the Jennings Fire Department, Jenning Oklahoma. Evacuation due to Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials EMERGENCY 3 miles northwest of Jennings. Leave IMMEDIATELY. Evacuate southeast to Jennings Fire Department. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not delay to pack belongings. Roads in the area may be impactd by fire and smoke. Never drive into smoke. Shelter- in- place if unable to evacuate. Until further notice. $$