![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
745 UFKA40 PTKR 051200 ABVTKR 91408 TTCC 55121 91408 70867 73965 02025 50067 68371 29034 30380 61577 26012 20637 54181 03509 10092 43388 10050 88993 85550 12084 77987 12085 41872 77128 09566 42323 31313 44108 81101= TTDD 5512/ 91408 11993 85550 22948 84558 33930 80160 44916 79160 55842 77562 66794 78362 77748 70968 88696 74165 99672 72566 11644 72966 22606 68571 33587 68970 44568 67172 55539 67172 66469 69971 77449 68172 88442 68373 99421 63576 11411 64376 22396 62577 33356 61577 44332 62976 55267 59979 66240 54381 77220 53182 88191 54981 99187 54981 11174 51583 22164 53182 33152 50784 44145 50983 55124 44188 66113 43388 77110 44387 88104 42988 99095 43788 11091 41989 21212 11987 12085 22949 12080 33878 12534 44843 12518 55817 08511 66809 06513 77744 01012 88696 02026 99659 03510 11617 35502 22597 33510 33588 34511 44574 29514 55510 28537 66475 28020 77453 28032 88430 27521 99418 31010 11412 33007 22355 32501 33331 22510 44313 24516 55285 27510 66257 03001 77247 15010 88238 14019 99231 16517 11217 14510 22210 00000 33200 03510 44185 07025 55171 05046 66138 08564 77128 09566 88116 11560 99091 09542 31313 44108 81101= PPDD 55128 91408 95689 12085 12534 12518 96123 01012 02026 03510 96569 33510 29514 28537 97012 28020 28032 27521 97367 31010 32501 22510 978// 24516 98034 27510 15010 14019 98567 16517 14510 00000 988// 03510 99016 07025 05046 08564 997// 09566 1005/ 11560 09542=