![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
298 UMKA40 PTYA 121200 SGLT11 91413 TTBB 62128 91413 00010 28044 11000 27650 22924 21212 33895 19620 44879 18408 55866 17614 66861 18450 77853 18858 88840 18460 99832 19266 11824 18867 22800 18273 33790 17469 44787 17266 55784 16657 66782 16457 77774 16058 88737 13857 99723 12450 11675 10057 22662 08857 33651 07643 44635 06033 55634 05834 66615 04846 77593 03032 88589 02643 99566 00017 11548 00956 22534 01750 33524 02558 44520 02756 55514 02957 66502 04541 77491 05734 88489 05923 99484 06157 11480 06139 22478 06347 33476 06357 44475 06356 55473 06557 66470 06561 77467 06762 88463 07159 99461 07740 11450 08557 22449 08756 33448 08958 44446 08957 55441 09561 66438 09959 77436 09962 88430 10763 99429 10957 11427 11161 22426 11358 33424 11560 44417 12756 55411 13360 66407 13957 77399 14775 88398 14774 99388 16569 11386 16773 22385 17162 33384 17361 44383 17562 55382 17759 66381 17739 77380 17750 88379 17934 99375 18144 11374 18350 22372 18359 33371 18556 44367 18958 55365 19358 66363 19557 77356 20362 88353 20761 99351 21158 11350 20962 22344 21760 33337 22562 44323 25360 55311 26374 66307 27164 77306 27364 88300 28171 99284 31965 11269 35165 22260 37360 33250 39761 44247 40163 55228 44366 66219 46566 77210 49364 88203 51160 99200 52162 11198 51967 22196 52564 33194 52967 44185 55368 55168 60763 66161 62166 77158 62962 88145 67959 99129 73547 11118 76950 22113 79141 33109 80348 44100 81159 21212 00010 09015 11007 07510 22851 10531 33769 07525 44731 08521 55713 06519 66694 09012 77682 08010 88672 10013 99658 09010 11641 10509 22537 11020 33520 07020 44439 07018 55367 11022 66304 10036 77202 10533 88175 12020 99169 11018 11157 07522 22127 10533 33115 09537 44100 11544 31313 44108 81105 41414 21401 51515 10164 00006 10194 09025 08524= PPBB 62128 91413 90/13 09015 08025 09026 90578 10531 08524 07525 909// 08521 91012 06519 09012 10013 91348 10509 11011 11020 919// 07020 9238/ 07018 11022 932// 10036 94257 10533 12020 07522 95136 10533 09537 11544=