![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
866 UFKA40 PTYA 051200 ABVT11 91413 TTCC 55121 91413 70866 72368 31507 50066 68972 28020 30380 61178 05504 20639 54581 06519 10094 41788 09548 88944 87758 11575 77949 11575 42264 77118 09563 41414 31313 44108 81126= TTDD 5512/ 91413 11944 87758 22922 87161 33901 76364 44884 74563 55847 75367 66772 77762 77736 76164 88727 72966 99721 72767 11697 71568 22659 73966 33640 73766 44629 70568 55617 71169 66611 69171 77586 67173 88523 69970 99496 68772 11470 63976 22435 65774 33415 63177 44333 61577 55312 62777 66289 60179 77280 55981 88265 54381 99242 55580 11233 52982 22194 55180 33192 54181 44184 55780 55171 54781 66166 52782 77156 53382 88151 50983 99149 50983 11138 49184 22127 44187 33120 43787 44119 43587 55118 43587 66076 37791 77074 38191 21212 11949 11575 22880 14034 33834 14516 44814 14014 55794 11011 66784 09512 77762 10518 88741 10010 99726 02504 11689 32010 22670 33012 33629 05011 44583 32510 55535 31515 66518 28517 77451 28523 88431 27514 99417 31012 11402 31010 22304 34001 33288 12010 44276 17010 55271 15015 66263 15519 77254 13523 88248 13526 99240 13525 11232 10519 22220 08511 33218 07513 44195 07020 55185 05030 66159 07051 77118 09563 88109 10557 99074 06535 31313 44108 81126= PPDD 55128 91413 95689 11575 14034 14516 96013 09512 10518 33012 96468 05011 32510 28517 97123 28523 27514 31012 979// 34001 98012 12010 17010 15519 98345 13526 13525 10519 9868/ 07513 07020 99039 05030 07051 09563 101// 10557 110// 06535=