![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS St. Paul, AK
Issued by NWS St. Paul, AK
601 UMAK18 PASN 121201 COR SGLSNP 70308 TTBB 62128 70308 00006 02004 11974 00400 22972 01009 33970 03043 44966 04256 55948 03256 66902 00300 77898 00700 88889 00216 99870 00711 11861 01118 22854 00938 33845 01163 44836 01563 55829 02162 66817 02949 77816 03148 88796 04157 99746 08918 11730 10116 22720 10926 33717 11141 44711 11716 55709 11713 66703 12109 77697 11924 88687 12922 99679 13534 11674 13758 22669 14160 33628 18356 44604 20559 55600 20757 66581 22756 77579 22956 88561 24946 99557 25157 11553 25544 22549 25936 33547 26339 44543 26738 55539 27134 66538 27319 77531 27931 88527 28356 99526 28350 11523 28561 22519 28956 33516 29163 44495 31561 55472 34164 66460 35763 77457 36160 88452 36764 99450 36962 11435 38364 22418 40761 33415 40958 44407 41960 55397 43360 66394 43759 77389 44363 88385 44961 99381 45367 11339 51162 22326 51968 33294 54570 44286 55765 55267 57767 66249 53973 77231 56370 88228 54574 99219 53777 11195 52579 22190 53179 33145 48383 44128 48983 55115 46385 66106 46984 77101 45186 88100 45186 21212 00006 11519 11944 16024 22887 14527 33861 15529 44729 15032 55649 17022 66496 15526 77445 16527 88437 15528 99427 14525 11386 15517 22366 18014 33355 15513 44347 16012 55339 18513 66278 12501 77268 15010 88263 17015 99255 17519 11239 14522 22225 16032 33201 15536 44152 17032 55146 15030 66140 17525 77135 16031 88111 17531 99100 15525 31313 44108 81106 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00004 10181 10194 15025 15527= PPBB 62128 70308 90/12 11519 14523 16024 90346 15026 15529 15527 90789 15526 15526 14530 91246 16524 16028 16029 918// 15526 92012 16526 15528 14525 92456 15517 18014 15513 927// 18513 93012 21505 12501 17015 93345 17519 14522 16032 938// 15536 94456 17032 15030 16031 95013 17033 17531 15525=