![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Portland, OR
Issued by NWS Portland, OR
001 UMUS46 KPQR 121201 COR SGLSLE 72694 TTBB 62128 72694 00009 02957 11962 04758 22952 03959 33945 03758 44934 03359 55921 03159 66916 03161 77911 03159 88909 02960 99895 03166 11892 02777 22889 02581 33868 02184 44830 04981 55821 05377 66813 05764 77811 05765 88806 05367 99723 07563 11693 08368 22682 09169 33666 10169 44616 15366 55596 16964 66586 17766 77580 17569 88563 19166 99479 26568 11471 26771 22470 26771 33405 34372 44318 48765 55291 52964 66261 55768 77253 54369 88236 54771 99234 53574 11217 56175 22216 54777 33211 55777 44206 54178 55199 55578 66189 50981 77188 50981 88187 50981 99185 50781 11183 50782 22167 53380 33163 51382 44146 49983 55133 52581 66125 53381 77115 52182 88104 55380 99100 55381 21212 00009 32505 11998 35010 22983 00513 33972 02012 44929 00000 55827 08010 66802 03010 77755 01014 88734 34017 99707 00520 11663 33521 22501 34543 33469 33539 44437 35037 55424 36038 66389 35044 77297 01045 88288 00541 99264 33055 11238 34048 22233 33043 33201 32062 44158 31051 55149 32546 66105 31041 77100 32041 31313 44108 81110 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00091 10181 10194 03005 01013= PPBB 62128 72694 90/12 32505 01013 01005 90345 12503 05506 08010 90678 04510 01513 00513 909// 36019 91012 00520 33521 33520 91468 34026 34531 34543 92012 34039 35037 36038 9245/ 35044 35542 93013 01045 00541 33055 9359/ 34048 32062 9445/ 31051 32546 95024 31050 31041 32041=