![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Shreveport, LA
Issued by NWS Shreveport, LA
157 UMUS44 KSHV 121200 SGLSHV 72248 TTBB 62128 72248 00995 08200 11990 08213 22982 08012 33926 12600 44917 12600 55901 12211 66869 14650 77853 13650 88787 09447 99762 08250 11717 05646 22698 04256 33692 04457 44691 04457 55673 02856 66640 00360 77556 08529 88545 08324 99538 08523 11456 15728 22401 22332 33362 28134 44345 30934 55319 35336 66315 36135 77295 39738 88258 47337 99240 51538 11234 53136 22225 55338 33217 56735 44209 58136 55195 61338 66190 62134 77186 63536 88179 65332 99175 66139 11173 66143 22150 59558 33142 60759 44129 58561 55128 58561 66112 61763 77100 65364 21212 00995 13010 11985 12517 22969 13526 33948 14037 44935 14531 55902 19036 66863 22049 77827 22558 88782 23064 99766 23066 11720 24057 22710 24056 33682 24552 44665 25057 55648 24556 66640 24556 77623 25060 88604 24074 99593 25074 11576 24578 22558 25087 33550 24588 44542 24085 55527 24082 66479 22567 77465 23057 88451 22555 99445 22056 11409 22561 22396 22572 33377 22573 44370 22574 55345 23079 66332 22577 77325 23077 88307 23082 99280 22596 11257 22607 22241 23114 33236 23115 44201 23633 55197 23632 66190 23639 77176 24145 88173 24143 99167 24131 11164 23633 22162 24134 33157 24127 44151 24123 55147 24626 66139 25121 77133 24614 88126 24601 99122 24597 11118 24599 22117 24594 33115 24595 44112 24597 55111 24087 66109 24591 77100 25577 31313 45408 81115 41414 841// 51515 10164 00003 10194 19032 23560= PPBB 62128 72248 90/12 13010 13528 14531 90345 18536 22046 22558 90678 22557 23064 23565 909// 24058 91012 24056 25057 24556 91345 25060 24074 24578 91678 25086 24085 24082 92012 22566 23057 22056 92456 22561 22572 22574 9289/ 23079 23077 93013 23079 23082 22596 93567 22608 23114 23115 94013 23632 23639 24145 94456 24134 24127 24123 94789 24626 25121 24614 95012 24601 24594 24087 953// 24591= NNNN