![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Reno, NV
Issued by NWS Reno, NV
952 UFUS45 KREV 121200 ABVREV 72489 TTCC 62121 72489 70838 55180 ///// 50051 56780 32019 30/// 53181 ///// 20/// 50581 ///// 10109 44783 10028 88999 77999 31313 45408 81110= TTDD 6212/ 72489 11987 56780 22939 56380 33927 56380 44907 56780 55879 56980 66817 56180 77805 55980 88783 56180 99752 55780 11700 55180 22602 56580 33579 56380 44578 56380 55551 56780 66539 57180 77490 56380 88477 55980 99448 56780 11432 57379 22396 55381 33380 54381 44289 54380 55281 54980 66258 51981 77244 52781 88109 45583 99102 44983 11098 44383 22092 44583 33091 44583 44087 44183 55083 43983 66079 443// 21212 11987 31043 22974 30536 33948 30045 44912 29536 55875 30042 66863 30538 77852 30527 88840 30538 99827 30024 11815 29528 22792 30032 33781 30026 44532 31019 55419 32523 66412 02008 77406 00512 88380 34031 99373 35024 11366 03015 22360 03516 33276 01523 44271 05518 55158 09025 66156 01520 77151 06515 88148 10536 99102 11053 11099 05007 22095 12525 33092 09015 44090 08021 55088 09035 66084 06032 77078 05538 31313 45408 81110 51515 10164 00091 10194 31519 31524= PPDD 62128 72489 95456 30536 30045 29536 95789 30538 29528 30026 9607/ 31027 31019 97023 34015 02008 00512 9745/ 34031 03516 981// 05518 99345 09025 06515 10536 86234 05007 09015 06032= NNNN