Tropical Weather Discussion
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AXPQ20 PGUM 090042

Tropical Weather Discussion
National Weather Service Tiyan GU
1042 AM ChST Sun Feb 9 2025

Tropical Weather Discussion for the Western North Pacific between
the Equator and 25N from 130E to 180. The following information is
based on recent satellite imagery/data, weather observations, radar,
and meteorological analysis.




The Near Equatorial Trough (NET) extends from just east of Mindanao,
crossing 130E near 5N. The NET passes through a broad and weak
circulation roughly centered near 3N137E, then turns east-southeast
to the equator near 142E. Scattered to numerous showers and isolated
thunderstorms have been seen across Palau due to a trade-wind trough
that is interacting with the NET. The NET is expected to remain fairly
stationary over the next few days bringing additional scattered to
numerous showers to Palau.

A series of trade-wind troughs are seen across Micronesia. The first
trough is located just east of Majuro from 12N176E to 2N171E.
Scattered to numerous showers are seen on either side of the trough
with the bulk of the showers moving across Majuro. The second trough
is located near Kwajalein extending from 12N166E to 3N164E. Scattered
showers are seen with this trough. Both troughs will move westward
over the coming days as they interact with the ITCZ.

The next trade-wind trough is located east of Weno and extends from
12N153E to 3N150E. Scattered to numerous showers are seen just south
and southeast of Weno along the trough. This trough will move west
over the next few days bringing scattered to numerous showers to

The last trade-wind trough is located near Palau and extends from
4N138E to 10N130E. Scattered to numerous showers and isolated
thunderstorms are seen along the trough. This trough is interacting
with the NET to produce a band of enhanced convection. This feature
will slowly move westward within the NET over the next couple of days.


The ITCZ remains weak and has become somewhat fragmented across
eastern Micronesia. It stretches westward from the dateline near 7N,
passing through Majuro before it ends north of Kosrae near 163E.
The ITCZ re-starts just south of Pohnpei around 5N158E and continues
westward just south of Weno at 5N151E. Scattered showers are seen
along the majority of the ITCZ with numerous showers seen where trade-
wind troughs intersect the ITCZ. The ITCZ looks to remain weak and
fragmented the next few days.

