![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Pittsburgh, PA
Issued by NWS Pittsburgh, PA
745 UMUS41 KPBZ 121204 COR SGLPBZ 72520 TTBB 62128 72520 00975 02116 11971 02329 22926 05904 33904 05506 44884 02515 55812 02506 66773 03702 77752 02716 88738 03302 99701 04913 11679 06306 22663 06523 33635 09701 44622 10700 55619 10900 66611 11701 77608 11516 88605 11716 99599 12315 11593 13128 22580 13920 33569 15143 44554 16329 55550 16537 66521 19524 77511 20144 88509 19757 99493 21758 11491 21960 22486 20971 33485 20967 44471 22767 55468 23171 66465 23564 77462 23963 88453 24963 99442 25567 11432 24778 22413 26380 33407 26973 44378 31760 55375 32360 66373 32558 77371 32959 88366 33940 99362 34738 11355 34935 22339 35736 33325 37732 44312 39143 55311 39546 66307 40532 77295 42542 88285 44729 99278 45934 11277 46344 22274 47134 33269 48144 44267 48538 55246 53149 66234 56339 77230 57150 88223 59134 99209 62150 11199 64133 22195 65343 33188 66521 44187 66119 55182 65161 66180 65163 77166 61971 88157 58375 99139 60374 11135 57377 22128 57178 33100 60976 21212 00975 07004 11932 08014 22911 10514 33895 10017 44836 19001 55780 23010 66689 27534 77669 26044 88660 25543 99528 25051 11370 26092 22297 25138 33278 24632 44221 25647 55191 26175 66173 26633 77147 26609 88123 26095 99107 26615 11100 27101 31313 44108 81117 41414 8472/ 51515 10164 00013 10181 10194 10012 24513= PPBB 62128 72520 90/23 07004 07511 10514 90456 12013 19001 21505 90789 23009 24516 25523 91012 27534 26044 25547 91467 25545 25547 25051 92056 25558 26088 26092 93012 25636 25138 24632 937// 25647 94026 26175 26633 26609 949// 26095 95024 26100 26615 27101=