![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Pittsburgh, PA
Issued by NWS Pittsburgh, PA
686 UMUS41 KPBZ 060000 SGLPBZ 72520 TTBB 56008 72520 00980 01157 11978 01359 22976 01559 33940 04557 44917 05356 55911 04756 66903 04158 77900 04160 88896 03570 99892 03376 11880 03980 22878 03979 33852 03179 44830 01391 55828 00784 66812 01563 77806 00961 88801 00143 99800 00138 11785 00027 22765 00306 33753 01103 44724 03300 55722 03308 66720 01949 77719 01756 88712 00458 99655 04350 11642 05530 22622 06909 33608 07731 44599 08307 55595 08717 66573 10302 77569 10711 88568 10718 99567 10742 11566 10743 22565 10359 33564 10361 44554 10966 55553 11166 66523 13182 77519 13579 88517 13772 99516 13762 11509 14758 22464 21332 33459 21747 44438 24731 55435 24939 66434 25157 77427 25957 88409 27761 99403 28758 11398 29532 22394 29915 33391 30515 44386 31313 55381 32132 66380 32321 77378 32525 88375 33158 99368 34150 11366 34537 22365 34708 33363 34903 44360 35506 55359 35718 66357 35950 77355 36156 88342 38550 99328 41129 11327 41320 22326 41512 33322 41934 44315 42940 55283 48127 66276 49531 77270 50939 88255 54529 99249 55946 11241 57538 22236 58741 33224 60949 44218 61735 55214 62941 66210 62743 77206 63127 88205 63130 99204 63141 11202 61561 22201 59766 33199 58768 44194 57172 55190 58171 66180 56576 77170 57576 88158 54778 99143 55379 11114 61975 22102 62974 33101 62975 44100 62775 21212 00980 08005 11940 09011 22901 15518 33881 14512 44849 16515 55838 20514 66805 23023 77795 22520 88779 25016 99732 26524 11715 26012 22710 27010 33706 28011 44685 26020 55668 27523 66621 27548 77505 28063 88480 28558 99264 26099 11213 27118 22190 29109 33132 28578 44113 29084 55106 29070 66100 28574 31313 44108 82302 41414 70847 51515 10164 00091 10194 13511 24516= PPBB 56008 72520 90/23 08005 09006 13018 90456 14512 16515 21515 90789 24016 26015 26524 91012 26012 27523 27530 91346 27548 27046 27057 919// 28063 9205/ 29059 28074 93048 27589 26099 27118 9408/ 29109 28578 95023 28584 29084 29070 954// 28574=