![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Pittsburgh, PA
Issued by NWS Pittsburgh, PA
934 UFUS41 KPBZ 050000 ABVPBZ 72520 TTCC 55001 72520 70841 62977 29041 50048 60980 28534 30368 56383 25530 20624 56584 28037 10071 46389 26539 88999 77999 31313 44108 82301= TTDD 5500/ 72520 11931 65574 22910 64575 33884 65974 44867 64776 55859 62777 66822 60579 77700 62977 88676 62377 99614 64776 11593 61179 22545 63577 33475 60780 44454 57183 55359 61979 66305 55584 77257 59381 88234 57183 99212 58182 11205 58183 22203 56384 33196 55584 44179 54984 55178 54984 66177 54984 77175 55184 88169 52786 99152 55384 11141 53585 22129 54584 33122 50988 44105 45789 55093 47189 21212 11891 29566 22840 28549 33744 29054 44697 29040 55670 26529 66654 26030 77577 26034 88512 28540 99480 29032 11440 26026 22428 25529 33412 27032 44390 24539 55376 26041 66358 28036 77317 27030 88312 26526 99306 25028 11273 28033 22258 27031 33246 29037 44205 27039 55192 29039 66185 28542 77172 28038 88162 26023 99152 28540 11145 27545 22137 29052 33128 27548 44118 29550 55100 26539 66093 27030 31313 44108 82301= PPDD 55008 72520 9568/ 29566 28549 96012 29054 29040 26529 96358 26030 26034 28540 969// 29032 97012 28031 26026 27032 97345 24539 26041 28036 978// 27030 98012 26532 28033 27031 98378 29037 27039 29039 989// 28542 99012 28536 28038 26023 99345 28540 27545 29052 9979/ 27548 29550 86012 29047 26539 27030=