![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Pittsburgh, PA
Issued by NWS Pittsburgh, PA
761 UFUS41 KPBZ 121202 COR ABVPBZ 72520 TTCC 62121 72520 70828 64374 27090 50036 64574 25554 30358 58179 27042 20611 59179 29052 10052 52983 25543 07286 46987 27062 05511 45388 29571 88999 77050 29571 414// 77151 29061 40925 31313 44108 81117 51515 10182= TTDD 6212/ 72520 11933 63574 22898 62175 33740 66172 44720 63774 55697 64574 66621 61376 77597 61776 88583 59578 99531 61377 11495 64975 22491 62976 33484 62577 44476 59979 55443 57180 66425 58779 77387 55381 88329 58979 99322 57580 11305 57580 22248 61378 33234 59379 44217 61378 55187 57180 66164 59179 77153 58979 88140 54382 99133 53582 11126 55181 22116 53982 33114 51384 44113 51184 55103 53382 66088 51384 77078 45787 88071 47586 99069 46587 11067 47586 22058 43789 33050 44989 21212 11907 26580 22830 25590 33772 26079 44720 26593 55666 27071 66606 27564 77530 26050 88500 25553 99480 27062 11442 26047 22375 27550 33328 25045 44289 28040 55273 27043 66239 29055 77215 27554 88206 29060 99187 27544 11163 30560 22151 29061 33126 28037 44120 26540 55114 27547 66099 25543 77089 28566 88083 29559 99071 27062 11061 29557 22054 28069 33050 29571 31313 44108 81117 51515 10182= PPDD 62128 72520 95679 26580 25590 26079 96024 26589 27071 27564 96789 26050 25553 27062 97047 27050 27550 25045 979// 28040 98013 28042 27043 29055 9868/ 29060 27544 99013 28055 30560 29061 99789 28037 26540 27547 86013 26545 25543 28566 86689 28062 29557 28069 870// 29571=