![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Oklahoma City, OK
Issued by NWS Oklahoma City, OK
656 UMUS44 KOUN 050000 SGLOUN 72357 TTBB 55008 72357 00981 03415 11979 02210 22960 01001 33928 00700 44917 01200 55914 01200 66909 01400 77903 03405 88901 06222 99900 06827 11896 08441 22895 08646 33889 13064 44882 15061 55875 15456 66864 16861 77855 16864 88851 16665 99828 15266 11821 14662 22814 14667 33808 14268 44805 14068 55778 12676 66762 11868 77759 12070 88717 10071 99707 09271 11687 08085 22588 02373 33546 05979 44519 08968 55517 08773 66495 11367 77464 15566 88445 17370 99407 23168 11398 23969 22384 25767 33313 37964 44310 38566 55301 40164 66293 41763 77291 42158 88288 42556 99262 47738 11246 51348 22232 54541 33230 55150 44222 55361 55215 54770 66214 53974 77211 53373 88190 56173 99187 55575 11181 56574 22179 56375 33162 60772 44158 61172 55157 60173 66149 62172 77145 62172 88123 68767 99121 68968 11119 68568 22108 70370 33100 72766 21212 00981 05005 11916 15501 22897 24010 33874 23523 44854 21525 55791 22536 66747 24528 77722 23019 88687 21024 99635 23521 11558 23017 22525 26014 33242 25559 44220 25555 55200 28055 66181 28042 77149 30057 88136 29538 99125 28045 11107 29556 22100 29040 31313 44108 82302 41414 862// 51515 10164 00006 10194 23507 23030= PPBB 55008 72357 90/23 05005 02506 15001 90456 23019 21525 22032 90789 22536 23533 24525 91012 23019 21024 22019 91346 23521 23022 23019 9178/ 23017 26014 9205/ 26019 25535 93079 25048 25559 25555 94137 28055 28042 30057 949// 29538 95035 28040 29556 29040=