![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Kotzebue, AK
Issued by NWS Kotzebue, AK
925 UMAK19 PAOT 121201 COR SGLOTZ 70133 TTBB 62128 70133 00023 06547 11017 02560 22016 02161 33015 00064 44011 00464 55006 01059 66004 01257 77995 01450 88988 01644 99984 01435 11979 01441 22978 01248 33930 01337 44912 01132 55906 00939 66881 01544 77851 02337 88837 03528 99828 03126 11771 06907 22764 06120 33762 05740 44758 05156 55723 07738 66717 07744 77713 07557 88693 08357 99624 15529 11610 16738 22605 17125 33601 17142 44595 17545 55594 17543 66586 17956 77584 18144 88567 19556 99561 19956 11529 24322 22518 25530 33516 25735 44513 25926 55509 26335 66507 26558 77500 27360 88496 27557 99494 27960 11489 28160 22482 28758 33480 29146 44477 29339 55476 29544 66474 29356 77471 29357 88447 31557 99443 31958 11428 34356 22425 34758 33424 34560 44419 34561 55385 39557 66376 40159 77366 41558 88363 41760 99358 42358 11350 43759 22336 45566 33307 48967 44279 53959 55267 56161 66262 56161 77253 58359 88251 58760 99234 57572 11225 57172 22200 60171 33194 57575 44190 56975 55187 56975 66182 57375 77169 53379 88148 56977 99131 54979 11122 56179 22121 54380 33120 53780 44102 54979 55100 53380 21212 00023 14015 11018 12019 22009 12526 33978 15517 44937 14521 55916 16518 66895 16014 77788 17534 88715 14528 99667 15529 11641 14524 22622 12524 33589 12518 44575 14517 55493 14521 66431 17026 77368 13522 88356 12025 99327 12547 11282 13054 22262 13545 33235 13038 44213 12045 55186 16028 66180 15028 77174 16526 88170 15519 99163 11019 11156 14015 22148 17519 33129 16020 44119 19522 55115 22016 66102 28502 77100 21513 31313 44108 81105 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00007 10181 10194 15018 16528= PPBB 62128 70133 90/12 14015 15017 15018 90346 16518 15516 17028 90789 17534 16525 15527 91123 15529 15024 12524 91456 12019 14517 14520 919// 14521 92025 16024 17026 14524 9268/ 12025 12547 93013 12552 13054 13545 9357/ 13038 12045 94012 16028 15028 16526 94345 11019 14015 17519 948// 16020 9503/ 20019 21513=