![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
602 UMAK19 PAOM 121201 COR SGLOME 70200 TTBB 62128 70200 00020 01107 11011 01305 22005 00903 33992 00807 44986 01008 55980 01214 66937 01501 77908 02300 88878 03504 99861 03704 11850 02532 22796 04350 33760 07329 44737 08720 55701 10937 66687 12127 77654 14149 88640 15741 99623 16757 11604 17562 22541 23364 33481 30959 44452 34363 55438 36362 66430 37358 77395 42357 88376 44757 99375 44958 11373 44959 22367 45957 33363 46159 44358 46758 55346 48162 66334 48769 77299 51966 88281 54761 99270 55565 11267 55566 22259 52373 33231 56770 44219 53376 55212 54975 66205 52378 77187 54577 88176 54178 99172 52180 11165 51380 22164 51380 33152 54579 44136 53380 55131 50582 66119 51581 77113 53580 88110 52181 99103 54979 11100 53980 21212 00020 07515 11996 08519 22978 12012 33930 12512 44873 16016 55854 14011 66785 13515 77749 16513 88709 15510 99692 13010 11651 15012 22637 18013 33590 15519 44551 17029 55518 16029 66443 17037 77373 18062 88336 16547 99295 14561 11280 15569 22267 16551 33260 15036 44240 12557 55219 13540 66210 16041 77205 15034 88192 12536 99179 14040 11171 15537 22162 13034 33141 16032 44137 15537 55126 16023 66124 16520 77118 18026 88100 15531 31313 44108 81105 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00007 10181 10194 13012 14513= PPBB 62128 70200 90/12 07515 11013 13015 90345 14512 16014 14011 90678 14015 13515 15515 909// 16012 91024 13010 16511 16016 9167/ 17029 16029 92015 17538 17037 18062 927// 16547 93012 14559 15569 16551 93357 15036 12557 16041 9389/ 15034 12536 94123 14040 15537 13034 94678 16032 15537 16023 949// 16520 9503/ 18026 15531=