![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
200 UMUS46 KMTR 121201 COR SGLOAK 72493 TTBB 62128 72493 00012 07440 11002 07256 22991 06440 33962 04839 44942 04044 55932 04056 66931 03856 77885 00637 88864 00914 99849 01119 11841 00113 22834 00507 33789 00711 44774 00722 55685 05704 66670 06300 77642 07105 88638 07502 99602 09927 11588 11335 22559 14909 33552 15512 44545 15547 55541 15756 66539 15957 77535 15961 88523 16970 99494 19166 11476 20374 22473 20174 33453 22167 44448 22561 55446 22761 66423 25946 77399 29942 88393 30556 99389 31350 11385 31557 22381 32157 33377 32760 44372 33360 55371 33161 66367 33361 77363 33758 88359 34558 99355 35356 11352 35957 22349 36340 33333 38925 44330 39136 55327 39726 66325 40136 77321 40927 88306 43538 99293 46132 11289 46721 22286 47319 33282 47939 44277 49128 55274 49939 66268 51136 77264 51950 88259 53147 99256 53735 11241 56149 22236 56356 33229 56350 44222 56960 55218 56765 66216 55570 77198 58767 88189 55376 99172 58374 11165 55977 22161 57177 33141 54580 44100 59377 21212 00012 07003 11965 10010 22935 09514 33920 10014 44870 12511 55826 00000 66804 31010 77789 32013 88713 30020 99625 30551 11542 30556 22496 31079 33472 31071 44441 31093 55390 31590 66320 30097 77271 30607 88234 31631 99213 30596 11196 29608 22182 31095 33134 31550 44125 30052 55106 30542 66103 29540 77100 29042 31313 44108 81102 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00013 10181 10194 10510 30512= PPBB 62128 72493 90/12 07003 09508 09513 90346 11012 13012 30006 90789 31513 31514 30519 91234 30546 30551 30549 9169/ 31054 31079 92025 31072 31093 31093 929// 30097 93036 30103 30607 31631 938// 30596 94018 29608 31095 31550 949// 30052 95034 31047 30542 29042=