![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
242 UFUS46 KMTR 121200 ABVOAK 72493 TTCC 62121 72493 70841 57779 33018 50052 56581 36021 30377 53383 03003 20639 52383 02513 10096 43788 11541 88999 77999 31313 44108 81102= TTDD 6212/ 72493 11923 58778 22840 60976 33731 57379 44570 58779 55548 60377 66527 60178 77522 58379 88495 55981 99448 57979 11402 55381 22380 56181 33371 54782 44344 55981 55323 53582 66304 54582 77258 51983 88238 52983 99214 50984 11191 52783 22179 49185 33165 50584 44142 49185 55127 45787 66124 45387 77118 46787 88108 43189 99097 44388 11089 42589 21212 11914 31047 22886 31541 33779 30031 44697 33017 55657 31025 66628 32028 77611 33523 88578 31518 99552 33010 11542 31512 22512 34027 33496 36020 44457 01513 55448 35506 66438 33510 77404 00514 88392 35515 99377 05013 11369 07010 22339 02013 33330 02516 44324 03514 55302 06002 66295 02010 77279 02520 88274 03521 99269 04519 11240 02520 22227 02519 33221 04512 44213 01010 55189 05515 66179 04510 77175 05007 88167 07510 99161 06513 11149 10016 22146 09014 33144 07517 44137 09024 55126 07028 66119 10025 77111 08530 88102 11045 99089 09524 31313 44108 81102= PPDD 62128 72493 9569/ 31047 30031 96013 31529 33017 31025 96456 32028 31518 33010 96789 31512 34027 36020 97013 01018 33510 00514 97457 35515 07010 02516 9789/ 03514 06002 98012 03016 03521 04519 98456 02520 02519 04512 9879/ 01010 05515 99012 05012 05007 07510 99345 06513 10016 07517 99689 09024 07028 10025 86023 09027 11045 09524=