Hydrometeorological Discussion
Issued by NWS North Central River Forecast Center
Issued by NWS North Central River Forecast Center
663 AGUS73 KMSR 121621 HMDMSR Hydrometeorological Forecast Discussion NWS North Central River Forecast Center Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1121 AM CDT Wed Mar 12 2025 River forecasts routinely incorporate 24 hours of QPF from April 1 to September 30 and 48 hours from October 1 to March 31. See http://www.weather.gov/ncrfc/LMI_QPF_NcrfcCurrentQpf ...Forecast Activity... RVF forecasts issued today. Issue times are in UTC. Subtract 6 hrs for CST, 5 hrs for CDT/EST, 4 hrs for EDT. RVF Forecast Group description Issue Time EWS Ern Wisconsin Basins to Lk MI 2025-03-12 13:59 UTC ILO Mainstem Illinois R 2025-03-12 15:21 UTC M10 Miss. R - Lake City, MN-L&D 10 2025-03-12 14:57 UTC M19 Miss. R - L&D 11-Gregory Landing 2025-03-12 15:26 UTC MIS Miss. R - L&D 20 to Chester, IL 2025-03-12 15:50 UTC MIS Miss. R - L&D 20 to Chester, IL 2025-03-12 15:52 UTC NLM Northern Lower Michigan rivers 2025-03-12 12:46 UTC RDW Mississippi R abv Red Wing, MN 2025-03-12 14:01 UTC ===================================================================== No forecast points in the NCRFC forecast area are forecast to rise above Flood Stage. Sites with forecasts below flood stage but above a user-defined threshold (FS=Flood Stage): MAX RVF NWSLI Station name/river FS FCST EWS SHIW3 Shiocton - Wolf R 11.0 9.8 EWS NEWW3 New London - 2SE - Wolf R 9.0 7.1 ===================================================================== ...Past Precipitation... Observation times are in UTC. Subtract 6 hrs for CST, 5 hrs for CDT/EST, 4 hrs for EDT. ===================================================================== No measureable precipitation reported within the NCRFC area of Iowa during the last 24 hours. No measureable precipitation reported within the NCRFC area of Illinois during the last 24 hours. No measureable precipitation reported within the NCRFC area of Indiana during the last 24 hours. Top daily precipitation reports greater than zero from Michigan: LID OBTIME/SHEF VALUE NAME / DETAIL STATE HERM4 DH1200/PPDRZ 0.06 : Herman MI STMM4 DH1200/PPDRZ 0.05 : Stambaugh 2SSE (Caspian) MI AMAM4 DH1300/PPDRZ 0.05 : Amasa 1W MI WTNM4 DH1200/PPDRZ 0.02 : Watton 2WSW MI AROM4 DH1200/PPDRZ 0.02 : Arnold 2N MI Top daily precipitation reports greater than zero from Minnesota: LID OBTIME/SHEF VALUE NAME / DETAIL STATE MNMS05 DH1200/PPDRZ 0.10 : Warren 7NW MN LBRM5 DH1300/PPDRZ 0.05 : Lake Bronson 3SE-LK Bronson Dam MN MNCK03 DH1200/PPDRZ 0.05 : Tofte 5NE MN RDLM5 DH1200/PPDRZ 0.04 : Red Lake Falls MN MNPK13 DH1130/PPDRZ 0.04 : Crookston 1ENE MN No measureable precipitation reported within the NCRFC area of Missouri during the last 24 hours. Top daily precipitation reports greater than zero from North Dakota: LID OBTIME/SHEF VALUE NAME / DETAIL STATE 4251N8 DH1200/PPDRZ 0.11 : Maxbass 5ENE ND WLWN8 DH1015/PPDRZ 0.11 : Willow City ND NDBT08 DH1300/PPDRZ 0.11 : Maxbass 5ENE ND LFDN8 DH1000/PPDRZ 0.09 : Lansford ND MNON8 DH1300/PPDRZ 0.08 : Minot Exp Stn ND No measureable precipitation reported within the NCRFC area of South Dakota during the last 24 hours. Top daily precipitation reports greater than zero from Wisconsin: LID OBTIME/SHEF VALUE NAME / DETAIL STATE LNOW3 DH1200/PPDRZ 0.02 : Land O` Lakes 12W WI WIVL09 DH1200/PPDRZ 0.02 : Land O` Lakes 12W WI LVDW3 DH1241/PPDRZ 0.01 : Lac Vieux Desert (Phelps 5NW - WVIC WI EVRW3 DH1230/PPDRZ 0.01 : Eagle River 4E WI WIBY29 DH1300/PPDRZ 0.001 : Bayfield 5NNW WI ===================================================================== See http://www.weather.gov/ncrfc/LMI_QCPCPN for all reports. For additional and more in-depth information concerning river forecasts, precipitation and all hydrometeorological information in the NCRFC area of responsibility, please refer to the NCRFC web page at: http://www.weather.gov/ncrfc $$