![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Medford, OR
Issued by NWS Medford, OR
007 UMUS46 KMFR 121200 SGLMFR 72597 TTBB 62128 72597 00968 04533 11965 03735 22958 03936 33936 03357 44916 04357 55910 04557 66888 04559 77881 04759 88876 03959 99857 04959 11837 03168 22824 03174 33819 01991 44806 02993 55792 02199 66755 04371 77743 04972 88720 06770 99711 07365 11685 08567 22541 20169 33512 23167 44479 26570 55478 26372 66456 28174 77411 34372 88406 34575 99354 42173 11345 43174 22340 43971 33338 44163 44334 44350 55331 44556 66324 44949 77323 45156 88315 46558 99306 47758 11303 48356 22296 49359 33291 50357 44281 51957 55279 52161 66277 52164 77270 51569 88244 54766 99240 53972 11233 54966 22229 54968 33222 53175 44218 52974 55209 53376 66200 51180 77199 51180 88184 52979 99171 50982 11151 51182 22111 56579 33100 55980 21212 00968 00000 11914 15010 22887 15010 33871 13010 44858 14016 55849 15013 66816 32503 77792 32010 88746 31011 99726 34014 11697 34520 22626 32527 33491 33537 44282 31072 55238 31583 66216 32073 77152 30554 88114 32041 99100 32543 31313 44108 81101 41414 00900 51515 10164 00091 10194 13507 32509= PPBB 62128 72597 90/23 00000 01007 15513 90456 12508 15013 36004 90789 32009 31010 34014 91023 34520 32524 32527 91469 32530 33536 33537 9205/ 33043 32549 93015 31571 31072 31583 937// 32073 945// 30554 95014 31546 32041 32543=