![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Medford, OR
Issued by NWS Medford, OR
446 UFUS46 KMFR 121200 ABVMFR 72597 TTCC 62121 72597 70837 55780 30028 50052 53582 32521 30379 53582 02515 20642 49785 03519 10102 39991 06507 88999 77999 31313 44108 81101= TTDD 6212/ 72597 11978 56579 22903 54781 33836 55980 44803 54381 55731 56580 66627 56180 77513 52983 88389 56581 99362 54582 11351 55581 22336 53383 33334 53183 44312 53982 55284 51984 66269 53383 77255 52783 88244 49785 99211 50984 11198 49385 22181 50984 33152 48786 44148 46587 55144 47986 66123 43589 77122 43589 88118 44588 99112 43590 11110 41791 22105 39192 33104 38792 44084 42990 55073 39791 21212 11910 31534 22859 32536 33816 29529 44768 31535 55705 30029 66672 33527 77610 31527 88579 33525 99541 33521 11527 32017 22457 34009 33444 32517 44435 33522 55418 36019 66396 35514 77366 01521 88352 35521 99342 00524 11326 04517 22313 01519 33291 03512 44275 02524 55268 03028 66252 05519 77243 03013 88240 02015 99211 03029 11187 06523 22181 05017 33178 04019 44169 08022 55163 07523 66158 09523 77150 07531 88142 11016 99139 09512 11137 09013 22122 09025 33115 11028 44109 11029 55105 10519 66102 09010 77100 06507 88098 03011 99089 04032 11084 06538 22080 05548 33073 05537 31313 44108 81101= PPDD 62128 72597 95678 31534 32536 29529 959// 31535 96012 31531 30029 33527 96457 31527 33525 33521 97012 34010 33522 36019 97356 35514 01521 00524 978// 01519 98012 03512 02524 03028 98347 05519 02015 03029 99012 06018 04019 08022 99346 07523 07531 11016 999// 09025 86012 11028 11029 03011 86456 06538 05548 05540=