![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Miami, FL
Issued by NWS Miami, FL
806 UMUS42 KMFL 060000 SGLMFL 72202 TTBB 56008 72202 00020 24443 11018 24056 22013 23656 33959 19027 44956 19042 55951 18434 66948 18857 77945 18858 88925 17860 99922 17457 11905 16056 22884 14658 33879 14459 44861 14867 55859 15073 66852 15278 77844 15081 88839 14875 99815 14079 11806 13671 22796 13674 33768 11268 44755 10670 55740 09869 66731 09067 77723 08062 88719 07662 99710 07064 11696 05662 22675 04866 33672 05072 44655 04076 55635 02067 66623 01070 77620 01078 88608 00278 99600 00770 11590 01575 22589 01772 33584 01790 44579 02381 55576 02770 66575 02970 77564 03973 88559 03581 99527 05977 11519 05964 22496 08960 33487 09761 44485 09766 55477 10963 66474 11159 77463 12558 88458 13150 99447 14362 11435 16158 22432 16559 33431 16562 44428 16961 55401 20367 66384 23366 77364 26369 88355 27371 99354 27371 11347 28168 22341 29172 33299 37363 44274 43159 55245 49743 66242 50156 77241 49963 88240 49768 99236 50370 11233 50764 22227 52158 33222 53557 44213 55756 55208 57350 66206 57746 77201 58558 88200 58957 99199 58958 11198 58765 22196 58563 33195 58760 44192 59165 55189 59959 66184 60567 77180 60967 88168 60171 99158 61971 11156 61172 22144 62572 33140 63971 44138 63572 55126 66570 66121 66970 77115 69169 88109 70768 99107 70568 11104 71967 22100 70968 21212 00020 09505 11000 11510 22977 10510 33942 13011 44918 11511 55904 09011 66880 11512 77581 01503 88531 26511 99517 29015 11491 27517 22463 28015 33450 30018 44393 27035 55172 27547 66163 29042 77124 27537 88117 28537 99111 26531 11100 28535 31313 44108 82302 41414 21500 51515 10164 00091 10194 11010 07505= PPBB 56008 72202 90/12 09505 11011 11509 90346 12011 10510 12004 90789 06506 11006 03505 91246 05506 13506 35504 9189/ 26511 29015 92025 27517 30018 27533 926// 27035 930// 27535 9445/ 27547 29042 95012 28040 27537 28537 9535/ 26531 28535=