![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
517 UMAK19 PAMC 121201 COR SGLMCG 70231 TTBB 62128 70231 00010 17923 11005 12729 22991 10950 33986 09356 44979 08956 55975 08744 66966 05958 77964 04358 88961 02563 99960 02164 11936 00868 22920 00164 33908 00364 44893 00266 55876 00963 66815 04365 77810 03966 88773 04765 99763 04762 11675 11345 22648 13350 33642 12759 44620 14556 55580 17559 66566 18364 77565 18364 88561 18364 99543 20560 11503 24560 22466 29156 33437 32359 44427 32763 55423 33160 66412 34759 77394 37356 88389 38156 99386 38558 11382 39156 22377 39956 33368 41158 44362 41363 55357 41960 66350 42962 77347 43158 88346 43358 99344 43759 11335 45356 22319 48357 33314 49356 44305 50957 55290 53558 66281 55156 77265 57758 88262 57160 99259 55364 11234 59559 22228 58562 33212 60761 44207 59366 55197 59172 66195 57574 77191 57773 88181 54177 99180 53978 11166 52979 22129 54779 33123 51181 44121 51181 55118 52380 66114 51181 77100 52581 21212 00010 11501 11915 35511 22889 34515 33870 34013 44857 00514 55844 36013 66813 03010 77802 05506 88777 06518 99759 06010 11724 12002 22676 10013 33668 10014 44642 10510 55541 04010 66527 03510 77364 19001 88305 19010 99267 19527 11259 18511 22253 14507 33243 10010 44213 13519 55206 13022 66201 14023 77194 15519 88187 12518 99180 16014 11171 12518 22163 14507 33156 14515 44150 17512 55139 15516 66131 18022 77124 19506 88116 22016 99113 23510 11108 23004 22100 23017 31313 44108 81105 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00014 10181 10194 00508 05507= PPBB 62128 70231 90/12 11501 08502 04506 90345 35511 34514 00514 90678 02510 06014 06009 909// 11002 91124 10014 10011 08504 9167/ 04004 03510 92056 29006 16004 19001 93034 19012 19527 14507 93578 10010 13519 13022 939// 14023 94012 12518 16014 12518 94345 14507 14515 17512 94689 15516 18022 19506 95012 21514 23510 23004 953// 23017=