![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
229 UFAK49 PAMC 121200 ABVMCG 70231 TTCC 62121 70231 70838 49183 26021 50060 48783 28528 30400 43387 28534 20676 38790 31045 10163 29195 32067 07422 25796 35551 88999 77100 32067 41618 31313 44108 81105= TTDD 6212/ 70231 11951 52381 22895 49583 33781 49583 44763 47984 55716 50182 66672 47584 77651 48583 88631 46385 99592 48184 11581 47184 22482 49183 33468 48384 44458 45786 55447 46585 66415 44186 77378 46185 88313 45786 99277 39989 11256 39389 22236 42388 33208 39190 44182 38191 55179 38391 66161 34793 77151 35792 88127 28995 99112 30395 11094 29195 22090 28196 33088 24997 44087 24397 55086 24397 66077 22598 77069 26196 88068 22997 99067 22997 11061 25596 22057 23997 33052 28595 21212 11942 19004 22907 23010 33871 24515 44836 23513 55806 26011 66763 28010 77729 24013 88696 26522 99672 29015 11639 26004 22605 27017 33587 28024 44519 27519 55485 29526 66434 26524 77416 29519 88407 29016 99376 26029 11354 29520 22317 30022 33307 28028 44285 29539 55265 30535 66245 33531 77238 33527 88231 31027 99228 30528 11196 31546 22171 29553 33151 30559 44144 31547 55121 34058 66100 32067 77087 31549 88078 34560 99074 36054 11066 35059 22052 34534 31313 44108 81105= PPDD 62128 70231 95567 19004 24515 23513 9589/ 26011 28010 96012 25012 26522 29015 96345 26004 27017 28024 9689/ 27519 29526 97023 28023 26524 29519 97569 26029 29520 30022 98013 28534 29539 30535 9856/ 33531 30528 99036 31046 29553 30559 997// 31547 86035 33058 32067 31549 86678 33554 34560 36054 869// 35059 8723/ 35038 34534=