![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Little Rock, AR
Issued by NWS Little Rock, AR
583 UMUS44 KLZK 121217 SGLLZK 72340 TTBB 62128 72340 00988 02204 11981 01614 22953 00413 33943 00213 44881 08000 55873 07800 66831 06002 77823 06405 88816 05811 99786 07657 11771 06857 22734 04660 33664 01758 44657 02358 55630 05156 66616 06557 77588 09731 88582 10331 99577 10930 11558 12343 22547 12156 33535 12357 44480 17957 55451 20950 66435 22341 77421 21532 88412 22733 99377 27728 11358 30530 22354 31329 33306 39535 44281 44537 55271 46937 66259 49738 77246 52735 88236 54538 99226 55735 11216 57938 22205 61138 33201 62336 44197 63137 55191 64139 66164 56558 77163 56358 88159 56759 99155 56360 11145 55361 22139 55762 33135 55563 44100 64767 21212 00988 08007 11975 08512 22965 07516 33937 09518 44927 11018 55915 14015 66903 17017 77870 20030 88815 21521 99804 21519 11792 22519 22780 22521 33770 23022 44759 22019 55748 22020 66737 22024 77714 22022 88704 22020 99653 25026 11633 24026 22612 24032 33600 24533 44588 25035 55562 24539 66553 25044 77502 23569 88494 24069 99462 24588 11452 24097 22422 23616 33393 22608 44379 22600 55364 22598 66357 22601 77351 22600 88345 23102 99333 22600 11309 23119 22304 22622 33298 23123 44263 22626 55249 23124 66229 23646 77220 23151 88200 23660 99197 23660 11179 24145 22172 24636 33169 24639 44165 24640 55149 25626 66145 25117 77140 25118 88131 24598 99125 24107 11123 24109 22120 24602 33118 24604 44109 25085 55108 25086 66106 25084 77100 24088 31313 45408 81109 41414 861// 51515 10164 00003 10194 17515 22521 = PPBB 62128 72340 90/12 08007 08013 09018 90346 16517 20031 21520 90789 23021 22019 22023 91023 22020 25025 24032 91456 24532 25035 24543 919// 24069 92013 24078 24097 23616 92568 22607 22598 23101 929// 22600 93014 23117 23123 22626 93578 23124 23646 23151 94023 23660 24145 24639 94456 24640 25132 25117 9478/ 25118 24598 95012 24108 24604 25085 953// 25084 =