Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Sterling, VA
Issued by NWS Sterling, VA
057 NOUS41 KLWX 300120 PNSLWX DCZ001-MDZ001-003>006-008-011-013-014-016>018-501>508-VAZ025>031- 036>040-050>057-501>508-WVZ050>053-055-501>506-301320- Public Information Statement Spotter Reports National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 820 PM EST Wed Jan 29 2025 The following are unofficial observations taken during the past 21 hours for the storm that has been affecting our region. Appreciation is extended to cooperative and CoCoRaHS observers, Skywarn spotters and media for these reports. This summary also is available on our home page at **************PEAK WIND GUST (AT LEAST 46 MPH)************** LOCATION MAX WIND TIME/DATE COMMENTS GUST MEASURED (mph) MARYLAND ...Allegany County... Cumberland 1 WNW 56 120 AM 1/29 Mesonet I-68 Eb At Street Ro 53 1220 PM 1/29 Mesonet Md-51 At Oldtown Sal 49 140 PM 1/29 Mesonet Frostburg 1 WNW 48 333 AM 1/29 Mesonet Oldtown 1 E 47 119 AM 1/29 Mesonet ...Anne Arundel County... BWI Marshall Airport 47 1154 AM 1/29 ASOS ...ANZ531... Hart/Miller 51 208 PM 1/29 Mesonet ...ANZ532... ; MD 46 245 PM 1/29 Mesonet ...Baltimore County... Owings Mills 46 130 PM 1/29 Mesonet ...Carroll County... Westminster 58 1125 AM 1/29 Mesonet Watersville 1 N 53 112 PM 1/29 Trained Spotter MOUNT AIRY 50 227 PM 1/29 Mesonet Millers 4 NE 48 600 PM 1/29 Co-Op Observer ...Cecil County... Glasgow 7 WSW 58 530 PM 1/29 Mesonet West Nottingham Twp 47 244 PM 1/29 Mesonet ...Frederick County... Sabillasville 3 SSW 54 405 PM 1/29 AWOS Us-340 At Md-180 50 250 PM 1/29 Mesonet ...Garrett County... I-68 At Us 219 49 1103 AM 1/29 Mesonet Grantsville 5 W 48 243 AM 1/29 Mesonet Kitzmiller 46 250 AM 1/29 Mesonet ...Montgomery County... Cabin John 49 159 PM 1/29 Mesonet ...Washington County... Hagerstown Rgnl Arpt 59 330 PM 1/29 ASOS Clear Spring 3 N 47 1240 PM 1/29 Mesonet Md-64 At Md-418 46 229 PM 1/29 Mesonet Hagerstown 46 125 PM 1/29 Mesonet VIRGINIA ...Augusta County... SPOTTSWOOD 61 1123 AM 1/29 Mesonet Trimbles Mill 51 100 PM 1/29 Broadcast Media ...Frederick County... Wilde Acres 2 S 62 129 PM 1/29 Public ...Highland County... Vanderpool 2 NNW 60 214 AM 1/29 Mesonet Hightown 3 NE 57 319 AM 1/29 Mesonet Monterey 1 SW 57 344 AM 1/29 Mesonet Monterey 1 N 52 1139 PM 1/28 Mesonet Hightown 1 ENE 50 1254 AM 1/29 Mesonet ...Nelson County... Wintergreen 4 NW 52 634 AM 1/29 Mesonet ...Rockingham County... HARRISONBURG 46 1104 AM 1/29 Mesonet WEST VIRGINIA ...Berkeley County... Martinsburg Arpt 53 358 PM 1/29 ASOS ...Grant County... Streby 3 W 62 1150 PM 1/28 Mesonet PETERSBURG 60 917 AM 1/29 Mesonet Cabins 1 ENE 59 120 AM 1/29 Mesonet Cabins 58 130 AM 1/29 Mesonet Petersburg 1 W 58 416 PM 1/29 AWOS Bear Rocks 54 1020 AM 1/29 Mesonet Streby 3 N 51 1224 AM 1/29 Mesonet Maysville 2 ENE 50 204 AM 1/29 Mesonet Bismarck 3 SSW 48 116 AM 1/29 Mesonet Maysville 2 SSE 48 1229 AM 1/29 Mesonet Maysville 47 139 AM 1/29 Mesonet ...Hampshire County... Nathaniel Mountain 51 215 PM 1/29 Mesonet Inkerman 7 NNE 51 1014 AM 1/29 Public Romney 3 SSE 46 144 AM 1/29 Mesonet ...Hardy County... Lost City 6 WNW 60 311 PM 1/29 IFLOWS South Branch Mountai 55 125 PM 1/29 Mesonet Lost River 2 NNE 47 634 AM 1/29 Mesonet ...Jefferson County... Kearneysville 46 413 PM 1/29 Mesonet ...Mineral County... Cumberland Reg 60 905 AM 1/29 AWOS Keyser 2 SSW 55 700 AM 1/29 Co-Op Observer Wiley Ford 1 E 51 125 AM 1/29 AWOS Knobly Tunnel 47 239 PM 1/29 Mesonet Fountain 46 1055 AM 1/29 Mesonet ...Pendleton County... Seneca Rocks 75 130 AM 1/29 Broadcast Media Brushy Run 2 SW 67 317 AM 1/29 Mesonet Deer Run 2 WSW 64 500 AM 1/29 Trained Spotter Riverton 2 NW 57 139 AM 1/29 Mesonet Upper Track 1 ESE 51 304 AM 1/29 Mesonet Upper Tract 49 817 AM 1/29 Mesonet && *****METADATA***** :1/29/2025, 120 AM, MD, Allegany, Cumberland, 1, WNW, 39.66, -78.78, PKGUST, 56, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1220 PM, MD, Allegany, I-68 Eb At Street Road, , , 39.71, -78.61, PKGUST, 53, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 140 PM, MD, Allegany, Md-51 At Oldtown Salt Dome, , , 39.54, -78.59, PKGUST, 49, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 333 AM, MD, Allegany, Frostburg, 1, WNW, 39.66, -78.95, PKGUST, 48, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 119 AM, MD, Allegany, Oldtown, 1, E, 39.54, -78.59, PKGUST, 47, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1154 AM, MD, Anne Arundel, BWI Marshall Airport, , , 39.17, -76.68, PKGUST, 47, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 208 PM, MD, ANZ531, Hart/Miller, , , 39.25, -76.37, PKGUST, 51, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 245 PM, MD, ANZ532, ; MD, , , 38.88, -76.48, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 130 PM, MD, Baltimore, Owings Mills, , , 39.40, -76.78, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1125 AM, MD, Carroll, Westminster, , , 39.57, -76.99, PKGUST, 58, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 112 PM, MD, Carroll, Watersville, 1, N, 39.38, -77.10, PKGUST, 53, mph, Trained Spotter, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 227 PM, MD, Carroll, MOUNT AIRY, , , 39.38, -77.11, PKGUST, 50, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 600 PM, MD, Carroll, Millers, 4, NE, 39.72, -76.80, PKGUST, 48, mph, Co-Op Observer, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 530 PM, MD, Cecil, Glasgow, 7, WSW, 39.57, -75.87, PKGUST, 58, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 244 PM, MD, Cecil, West Nottingham Twp, 12, SSW, 39.58, -76.10, PKGUST, 47, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 405 PM, MD, Frederick, Sabillasville, 3, SSW, 39.65, -77.47, PKGUST, 54, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 250 PM, MD, Frederick, Us-340 At Md-180, , , 39.36, -77.58, PKGUST, 50, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1103 AM, MD, Garrett, I-68 At Us 219, , , 39.69, -79.25, PKGUST, 49, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 243 AM, MD, Garrett, Grantsville, 5, W, 39.69, -79.25, PKGUST, 48, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 250 AM, MD, Garrett, Kitzmiller, , , 39.39, -79.19, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 159 PM, MD, Montgomery, Cabin John, , , 38.98, -77.15, PKGUST, 49, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 330 PM, MD, Washington, Hagerstown Rgnl Arpt, , , 39.71, -77.73, PKGUST, 59, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1240 PM, MD, Washington, Clear Spring, 3, N, 39.70, -77.94, PKGUST, 47, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 229 PM, MD, Washington, Md-64 At Md-418, , , 39.71, -77.57, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 125 PM, MD, Washington, Hagerstown, , , 39.64, -77.70, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1123 AM, VA, Augusta, SPOTTSWOOD, , , 37.97, -79.26, PKGUST, 61, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 100 PM, VA, Augusta, Trimbles Mill, , , 38.14, -79.22, PKGUST, 51, mph, Broadcast Media, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 129 PM, VA, Frederick, Wilde Acres, 2, S, 39.12, -78.40, PKGUST, 62, mph, Public, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 214 AM, VA, Highland, Vanderpool, 2, NNW, 38.39, -79.64, PKGUST, 60, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 319 AM, VA, Highland, Hightown, 3, NE, 38.46, -79.60, PKGUST, 57, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 344 AM, VA, Highland, Monterey, 1, SW, 38.40, -79.60, PKGUST, 57, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/28/2025, 1139 PM, VA, Highland, Monterey, 1, N, 38.42, -79.58, PKGUST, 52, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1254 AM, VA, Highland, Hightown, 1, ENE, 38.44, -79.61, PKGUST, 50, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 634 AM, VA, Nelson, Wintergreen, 4, NW, 37.92, -78.95, PKGUST, 52, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1104 AM, VA, Rockingham, HARRISONBURG, , , 38.51, -78.96, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 358 PM, WV, Berkeley, Martinsburg Arpt, , , 39.40, -77.98, PKGUST, 53, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/28/2025, 1150 PM, WV, Grant, Streby, 3, W, 39.08, -79.30, PKGUST, 62, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 917 AM, WV, Grant, PETERSBURG, , , 39.00, -79.18, PKGUST, 60, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 120 AM, WV, Grant, Cabins, 1, ENE, 39.00, -79.18, PKGUST, 59, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 130 AM, WV, Grant, Cabins, , , 39.00, -79.21, PKGUST, 58, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 416 PM, WV, Grant, Petersburg, 1, W, 39.00, -79.15, PKGUST, 58, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1020 AM, WV, Grant, Bear Rocks, , , 39.08, -79.30, PKGUST, 54, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1224 AM, WV, Grant, Streby, 3, N, 39.13, -79.25, PKGUST, 51, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 204 AM, WV, Grant, Maysville, 2, ENE, 39.13, -79.13, PKGUST, 50, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 116 AM, WV, Grant, Bismarck, 3, SSW, 39.18, -79.26, PKGUST, 48, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1229 AM, WV, Grant, Maysville, 2, SSE, 39.09, -79.15, PKGUST, 48, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 139 AM, WV, Grant, Maysville, , , 39.12, -79.16, PKGUST, 47, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 215 PM, WV, Hampshire, Nathaniel Mountain, , , 39.30, -78.65, PKGUST, 51, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1014 AM, WV, Hampshire, Inkerman, 7, NNE, 39.23, -78.74, PKGUST, 51, mph, Public, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 144 AM, WV, Hampshire, Romney, 3, SSE, 39.31, -78.73, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 311 PM, WV, Hardy, Lost City, 6, WNW, 38.95, -78.94, PKGUST, 60, mph, IFLOWS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 125 PM, WV, Hardy, South Branch Mountain, , , 38.95, -78.94, PKGUST, 55, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 634 AM, WV, Hardy, Lost River, 2, NNE, 38.98, -78.78, PKGUST, 47, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 413 PM, WV, Jefferson, Kearneysville, , , 39.36, -77.88, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 905 AM, WV, Mineral, Cumberland Reg, , , 39.62, -78.77, PKGUST, 60, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 700 AM, WV, Mineral, Keyser, 2, SSW, 39.42, -79.01, PKGUST, 55, mph, Co-Op Observer, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 125 AM, WV, Mineral, Wiley Ford, 1, E, 39.62, -78.76, PKGUST, 51, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 239 PM, WV, Mineral, Knobly Tunnel, , , 39.56, -78.81, PKGUST, 47, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 1055 AM, WV, Mineral, Fountain, , , 39.40, -78.93, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 130 AM, WV, Pendleton, Seneca Rocks, , , 38.83, -79.38, PKGUST, 75, mph, Broadcast Media, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 317 AM, WV, Pendleton, Brushy Run, 2, SW, 38.82, -79.28, PKGUST, 67, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 500 AM, WV, Pendleton, Deer Run, 2, WSW, 38.71, -79.26, PKGUST, 64, mph, Trained Spotter, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 139 AM, WV, Pendleton, Riverton, 2, NW, 38.76, -79.46, PKGUST, 57, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 304 AM, WV, Pendleton, Upper Track, 1, ESE, 38.77, -79.26, PKGUST, 51, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :1/29/2025, 817 AM, WV, Pendleton, Upper Tract, , , 38.82, -79.28, PKGUST, 49, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, $$ BRO