![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA
Issued by NWS New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA
076 UMUS44 KLIX 121200 SGLLIX 72233 TTBB 62128 72233 00007 17805 11000 16602 22997 17602 33993 19603 44967 20815 55917 18019 66902 17014 77885 16630 88881 16637 99880 16637 11828 12415 22817 12224 33768 07602 44743 06200 55734 05801 66732 06013 77730 05403 88728 06648 99727 06648 11720 05617 22709 04401 33705 04801 44690 03400 55685 03601 66679 02800 77678 02803 88676 02216 99675 03244 11673 02223 22672 02856 33671 05063 44670 04863 55669 05463 66658 04660 77644 03262 88638 03065 99637 02865 11631 02463 22630 02262 33625 01658 44619 01058 55594 01756 66591 02156 77575 02766 88573 02966 99561 04366 11557 04961 22554 05362 33550 05959 44530 08557 55518 09159 66510 10157 77503 10559 88498 10764 99497 10565 11495 10960 22492 11164 33486 11564 44477 12763 55470 13756 66466 13760 77462 14162 88460 14361 99459 14364 11455 14761 22451 15164 33450 15160 44410 21357 55397 23359 66394 23961 77390 24559 88387 24764 99384 24965 11378 23771 22351 27372 33344 28568 44338 28973 55335 29371 66334 29560 77333 29761 88332 29960 99329 30161 11328 30164 22318 31962 33316 32165 44276 40361 55261 43956 66255 45157 77234 50535 88222 53536 99219 54146 11216 54937 22214 55156 33213 55550 44210 55958 55203 58156 66195 60350 77194 60556 88193 59958 99192 59558 11187 59959 22171 64756 33169 64756 44163 66336 55162 66541 66160 65558 77159 65759 88156 66559 99155 65762 11154 63565 22153 63368 33148 62171 44144 62572 55139 59977 66123 62175 77100 70968 21212 00007 09001 11996 14510 22980 19020 33971 19528 44914 20030 55897 21028 66745 21034 77727 22530 88699 21538 99665 24545 11537 24046 22466 25052 33341 23583 44314 24590 55206 25595 66171 23596 77158 24602 88140 26085 99117 24567 11100 23566 31313 44108 81100 41414 00900 51515 10164 00000 10194 20026 21033= PPBB 62128 72233 90/12 09001 19526 19529 90346 20530 20032 21036 90789 21036 21037 22029 91024 21538 24545 24046 9167/ 24549 24046 92015 24054 25052 24570 929// 23583 9301/ 24588 24590 94045 25595 23596 24602 948// 26085 95025 25074 24567 23566=