![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA
Issued by NWS New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA
908 UFUS44 KLIX 121200 ABVLIX 72233 TTCC 62121 72233 70850 75764 22535 50049 64976 23518 30369 57381 33015 20628 54183 05509 10077 47589 26512 07314 42391 24024 88782 77163 25042 77999 31313 44108 81100= TTDD 6212/ 72233 11964 70768 22819 74765 33782 77163 44749 75564 55716 76563 66658 72967 77640 73167 88618 70769 99599 71569 11532 70170 22515 67773 33508 65375 44486 63976 55479 63976 66434 60379 77416 60779 88407 59379 99396 60179 11338 56981 22333 56982 33330 55782 44302 57580 55223 53584 66210 55382 77177 52185 88158 53784 99143 50986 11129 54584 22125 53785 33120 49388 44115 47988 55111 48588 66107 47189 77104 48588 88101 47189 99095 50187 11089 49988 22086 48388 33081 43390 44078 42590 55074 43590 66068 41991 77063 44790 88056 43790 21212 11922 24068 22851 25545 33739 24534 44704 22534 55613 25527 66592 26030 77570 27018 88561 26010 99552 21004 11542 17010 22529 17514 33516 20021 44505 23518 55479 21515 66446 25515 77405 27015 88377 22516 99351 25016 11335 25015 22317 31010 33286 36010 44273 32010 55252 31510 66239 34515 77223 07510 88197 06012 99178 01012 11163 01013 22159 02010 33124 25001 44107 30010 55104 30513 66101 26510 77093 29020 88092 28515 99089 23513 11087 22519 22083 26524 33078 25022 44074 26519 55072 25018 66067 23534 77065 24536 88062 26031 99056 25531 31313 44108 81100= PPDD 62128 72233 9568/ 24068 25545 96012 24537 24534 22534 96456 25527 26030 27018 96789 17514 20021 21515 97013 24017 25515 27015 97467 22516 25016 25015 978// 31010 98013 36010 32010 31510 98458 34515 07510 06012 99023 01511 01013 02010 998// 25001 86012 23507 30513 29020 86345 22519 26524 25022 86678 24519 24536 26031 869// 25531=