![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Honolulu, HI
Issued by NWS Honolulu, HI
925 UFHW40 PHLI 121200 ABVLIH 91165 TTCC 62121 91165 70866 77361 11510 50065 67972 07515 30380 57581 08507 20637 54383 09505 10088 45988 12514 88865 81759 35025 77999 31313 44108 81102= TTDD 6212/ 91165 11971 79360 22941 79160 33865 81759 44682 76562 55661 77162 66611 67968 77579 68369 88562 66771 99477 68372 11417 61577 22394 62777 33350 61179 44336 62178 55320 58781 66306 58980 77298 57182 88285 57981 99247 56182 11221 57381 22191 52784 33176 52784 44170 53383 55150 51184 66142 52783 77138 50585 88134 51584 99109 48586 11094 43989 21212 11877 34026 22826 04016 33797 11514 44785 12512 55768 11011 66747 13511 77729 10510 88708 12013 99659 08501 11608 02510 22589 07013 33572 06514 44557 09516 55514 08019 66500 07515 77481 11010 88474 12007 99464 07011 11349 05510 22339 06016 33258 11511 44208 07002 55157 04513 66152 07513 77143 05011 88139 07514 99129 02514 11121 07021 22117 05015 33114 10020 44112 10517 55109 07515 66102 09018 77099 13514 88096 13010 99094 18003 31313 44108 81102= PPDD 62128 91165 9589/ 34026 04016 96012 11514 13511 12013 96356 08501 02510 06514 96789 09516 08019 07515 97067 07011 05510 06016 9837/ 11511 07002 99345 04513 07513 05011 99679 07514 02514 07021 10012 10020 07515 09018 1034/ 13514 13010=