![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS North Platte, NE
Issued by NWS North Platte, NE
478 UFUS43 KLBF 121200 ABVLBF 72562 TTCC 62122 72562 70825 56581 26557 50040 56980 28529 30366 51382 32526 20631 50382 33036 88994 55380 26050 77710 26563 41228 31313 45408 81103= TTDD 6212/ 72562 11994 55380 22983 55380 33945 54781 44919 54581 55908 54581 66870 54981 77850 54781 88805 55780 99760 56780 11744 56980 22728 57180 33691 56181 44656 54981 55639 54981 66625 55181 77601 54381 88587 53981 99535 55380 11504 56780 22479 58180 33469 58580 44440 56581 55426 54981 66420 54981 77387 53382 88378 52782 99350 54381 11338 54981 22321 52982 33283 49982 44256 50982 55251 51182 66243 50782 77237 50582 88215 49183 99211 49383 11191 51181 22187 51381 33172 51182 44171 51182 55158 52181 66155 52381 77148 50982 88140 50182 99139 50182 21212 11979 25551 22937 26062 33923 26561 44880 27053 55809 25551 66782 26057 77769 26054 88745 26051 99710 26563 11700 26557 22689 26560 33678 27556 44667 27557 55610 28541 66599 27543 77588 28039 88578 28543 99568 29543 11540 27531 22522 26533 33503 28029 44494 28530 55476 27036 66442 28546 77413 31039 88405 30044 99398 30535 11384 29026 22377 29028 33363 27523 44350 26527 55343 27028 66337 27029 77331 27528 88313 30531 99302 32527 11296 32525 22290 32029 33285 32023 44274 29511 55269 29014 66260 30021 77251 30015 88241 33518 99224 35036 11219 34539 22211 33536 33207 34533 44204 32537 55200 33036 66192 32535 77185 32534 88181 32531 99174 32028 11171 32529 22168 31532 33158 32541 44149 33537 55146 33540 66143 34043 77139 35041 31313 45408 81103 51515 10164 00030 10194 02505 20007= PPDD 62128 72562 95345 26050 25551 26561 95678 27053 26051 26057 959// 26054 96012 26059 26563 27557 96456 27543 29543 27531 96789 26533 28530 27036 97012 28041 28546 30044 97345 30535 29028 27523 97678 27029 27528 30531 979// 32525 98012 32523 29014 30018 98345 30015 33518 35036 98678 34539 32537 33036 989// 32534 99012 32531 32529 31532 99345 32541 33537 34043= NNNN