Tabular State Forecast
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
591 FPUS63 KLMK 311100 SFTKY KYZ001>120-312200- Tabular State Forecast for Kentucky National Weather Service Louisville KY 600 AM EST Fri Jan 31 2025 ROWS INCLUDE... Daily predominant daytime weather 6AM-6PM Forecast temperatures...early morning low/daytime high Probability of precipitation nighttime 6PM-6AM/daytime 6AM-6PM - indicates temperatures below zero MM indicates missing data FCST FCST FCST FCST FCST FCST FCST Today Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Jan 31 Feb 01 Feb 02 Feb 03 Feb 04 Feb 05 Feb 06 ...Western Kentucky... Fort Campbell Ptcldy Mocldy Ptcldy Sunny Ptcldy Mocldy Rain /64 42/53 43/65 47/69 47/63 52/68 58/65 /20 20/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 20/40 50/60 Henderson Mocldy Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Mocldy Rain /59 38/47 42/62 45/64 42/56 47/62 52/60 /20 30/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 20/40 60/60 Land Between The Lakes Ptcldy Mocldy Ptcldy Sunny Ptcldy Mocldy Rain /61 42/51 44/64 47/68 46/62 52/67 56/63 /20 20/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 20/40 50/60 Paducah Mocldy Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Mocldy Rain /60 40/51 43/64 47/66 44/59 49/64 54/61 /20 20/00 00/00 00/00 10/00 20/40 50/60 ...Central Kentucky... Bowling Green Shwrs Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Mocldy Shwrs /66 42/53 42/66 47/70 48/65 52/70 58/70 /50 20/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 20/40 50/60 Campbellsville Shwrs Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Mocldy Shwrs /62 40/49 41/61 45/66 45/60 49/66 55/65 /70 20/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 10/40 50/70 Frankfort Shwrs Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Shwrs Tstrms /63 36/46 37/62 45/65 41/58 46/64 53/64 /50 20/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 20/50 60/70 Lexington Shwrs Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Shwrs Shwrs /63 38/47 39/62 47/66 44/59 48/65 55/65 /70 20/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 20/50 60/70 Louisville Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Shwrs Tstrms /64 39/50 42/63 47/66 45/60 49/66 55/65 /40 20/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 20/50 60/70 Mammoth Cave National Park Shwrs Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Mocldy Tstrms /63 42/50 42/63 47/66 47/60 50/67 58/66 /50 20/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 20/40 50/60 Rough River Lake Mocldy Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Shwrs Tstrms /62 38/49 41/63 45/66 44/59 47/64 54/63 /30 20/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 20/50 60/70 ...Eastern Kentucky... Hazard Rain Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Shwrs Shwrs /59 41/49 39/59 44/64 46/61 47/66 58/68 /100 10/10 00/00 00/00 20/10 20/50 30/50 Jackson Rain Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Shwrs Shwrs /60 39/49 37/61 39/64 44/58 46/66 57/68 /100 20/10 00/00 00/00 20/10 20/50 40/50 London Rain Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Mocldy Shwrs /59 39/49 38/60 42/64 43/60 47/66 57/66 /90 10/00 00/00 00/00 20/10 20/40 30/50 Middlesboro Rain Mocldy Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Mocldy Shwrs /56 39/50 37/57 40/61 45/61 47/64 56/65 /100 10/00 00/00 00/00 20/10 20/40 20/50 Pikeville Rain Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Shwrs Shwrs /60 41/48 37/61 40/65 45/60 46/66 57/69 /100 40/10 00/00 00/00 20/10 20/50 30/50 Somerset Rain Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Mocldy Shwrs /61 41/51 39/61 43/65 45/61 48/67 59/67 /100 20/00 00/00 00/00 20/10 20/40 30/50 ...Northern Kentucky... Covington Shwrs Ptcldy Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Rain Rain /60 32/43 33/57 40/59 36/49 39/57 57/64 /60 30/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 40/70 70/70 Maysville Shwrs Ptcldy Mocldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Rain Rain /61 33/45 32/59 41/62 38/52 42/59 59/66 /80 20/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 30/60 60/70 Ashland Rain Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Rain Rain /62 37/46 33/61 44/65 MM/55 42/63 52/66 /90 30/10 00/00 00/00 10/10 20/50 60/70 $$