![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Majuro, MH
Issued by NWS Majuro, MH
309 UMMH40 PKMR 121200 SGLKMR 91376 TTBB 62128 91376 00013 27650 11007 27456 22943 21615 33937 21423 44934 21438 55930 22059 66913 20858 77884 20667 88881 20666 99878 20863 11874 20459 22867 19657 33863 20061 44860 20872 55857 20871 66850 20468 77843 19458 88839 19460 99831 20071 11829 20071 22803 19487 33780 18089 44750 15696 55742 15094 66737 14478 77716 12890 88692 10484 99680 09270 11678 09065 22666 07863 33663 08062 44661 07863 55659 08265 66655 08463 77653 08665 88649 08468 99644 08063 11622 05867 22620 05863 33571 00346 44568 00546 55554 01906 66551 02107 77547 01711 88535 02510 99525 02525 11491 06500 22478 07319 33475 07715 44454 10520 55449 11332 66447 11344 77444 11158 88442 11158 99439 11362 11435 10577 22412 11391 33363 18585 44336 21988 55290 30183 66239 42570 77238 42562 88236 42961 99226 45759 11225 45957 22224 45708 33223 45921 44212 48732 55209 49131 66207 49728 77200 51741 88195 53332 99190 54556 11188 55534 22185 56350 33173 60328 44158 65156 55153 67356 66152 67550 77144 69938 88138 72350 99132 74556 11129 75156 22127 75550 33122 76956 44120 77558 55118 76560 66114 75361 77109 76362 88100 80758 21212 00013 08004 11972 06016 22926 07517 33886 05521 44857 04515 55839 01510 66832 02509 77814 07011 88762 08514 99746 13512 11697 07517 22683 04016 33659 02514 44645 05512 55614 07011 66554 04506 77547 07010 88531 12512 99503 15017 11451 11526 22434 10535 33400 10030 44378 08028 55343 08030 66301 05524 77282 08523 88226 05510 99215 08015 11207 07521 22196 10022 33174 10024 44135 05530 55125 06039 66120 05538 77110 11529 88100 13026 31313 44108 81123 41414 38478 51515 10164 00009 10194 06015 08012 PPBB 62128 91376 90/13 08004 06016 07017 90456 05521 04515 07011 90789 08517 08514 13512 91123 07517 02514 05512 91478 06512 07010 12512 92023 15017 11526 10535 92579 10030 08028 08030 93249 05524 08523 05510 94012 08015 07521 10022 945// 10024 95012 05530 06039 05538 9546/ 11529 13026