![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Key West, FL
Issued by NWS Key West, FL
445 UFUS42 KKEY 121201 COR ABVKEY 72201 TTCC 62121 72201 70858 77762 28509 50054 67572 26514 30371 57578 24506 20628 54180 03516 10085 43985 23039 88775 80559 28520 77999 31313 44108 81101 51515 10182= TTDD 6212/ 72201 11775 80559 22676 76763 33633 76963 44586 72766 55572 73366 66527 70369 77512 70770 88489 65774 99473 66173 11454 66174 22421 62176 33393 60777 44385 61376 55329 59378 66310 56779 77290 58378 88246 55779 99225 57578 11214 54980 22197 53580 33188 54380 44178 51182 55153 47983 66152 47983 77148 48783 88141 46784 99125 46984 11119 43586 22115 44185 33112 42786 44109 43786 55104 42386 66092 47983 77089 45585 21212 11889 27524 22816 31514 33789 29015 44740 30516 55659 27014 66645 27510 77637 27007 88606 23511 99592 25512 11569 22014 22542 24517 33524 22517 44511 23523 55497 27012 66475 23507 77459 24010 88434 29014 99426 30511 11371 22010 22360 24510 33340 20510 44279 29501 55233 34510 66223 34013 77215 00512 88207 05510 99200 03516 11190 04010 22167 13502 33159 17010 44149 20018 55148 20517 66139 27509 77129 21019 88120 23023 99114 22034 11107 25030 22099 23040 33091 24046 44089 24043 31313 44108 81101 51515 10182= PPDD 62128 72201 9579/ 27524 31514 96013 28520 30516 27014 96456 27510 25512 22014 96789 24517 23523 27012 97012 23509 29014 30511 9756/ 22010 20510 98014 32503 29501 34510 98567 34013 00512 05510 9889/ 03516 04010 99013 10004 13502 17010 99467 20018 27509 21019 999// 23023 86012 22535 25030 23040 863// 24046=