![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Honolulu, HI
Issued by NWS Honolulu, HI
823 UFHW40 PHTO 121200 ABVITO 91285 TTCC 62121 91285 70864 76363 04019 50063 68572 07515 30378 59780 15502 20635 53983 08003 10087 45988 14514 07327 43790 01006 88804 81759 03508 77999 31313 44108 81102= TTDD 6212/ 91285 11958 76762 22949 74963 33804 81759 44765 81160 55730 77762 66674 74764 77666 75164 88629 69769 99615 70569 11569 68571 22532 69771 33503 68372 44492 68972 55445 63177 66419 62377 77347 59780 88302 59980 99279 58181 11267 58581 22235 54783 33221 55782 44194 53184 55173 54583 66157 53184 77152 53783 88136 49186 99125 48187 11121 48786 22118 47187 33113 48386 44100 45988 55097 46588 66095 44190 77090 43390 88086 40191 99068 44789 11064 43590 22059 36992 21212 11966 01043 22863 06023 33820 07014 44802 02508 55787 00510 66749 00522 77737 01023 88649 08012 99629 09511 11579 08013 22554 10510 33537 11004 44525 07010 55507 06513 66489 09513 77402 36010 88390 02011 99381 02010 11366 35011 22349 03013 33339 04518 44299 14502 55224 12510 66222 13511 77207 00000 88166 00510 99141 08010 11138 10012 22135 11511 33110 08503 44105 10010 55101 13014 66099 15013 77098 16010 88090 00000 99062 34010 11061 35010 22059 05503 31313 44108 81102= PPDD 62128 91285 95689 01043 06023 07014 96014 00510 01023 08012 96678 08013 10510 06513 969// 09513 97345 36010 02011 35011 97679 03013 04518 14502 98567 12510 13511 00000 99256 00510 08010 10012 10123 08503 10010 13014 105// 00000 1145/ 35010 05503=