![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Wilmington, OH
Issued by NWS Wilmington, OH
001 UMUS41 KILN 060000 SGLILN 72426 TTBB 56008 72426 00980 00911 11975 01716 22942 04112 33934 04112 44899 03001 55870 07005 66863 07008 77855 07008 88810 05605 99795 04809 11788 05006 22756 03204 33734 02005 44676 00910 55662 01707 66631 03323 77619 04516 88608 05323 99593 06718 11584 07321 22564 09318 33450 20528 44425 23730 55385 29334 66374 31134 77353 34335 88346 35532 99298 44338 11273 49542 22264 51739 33224 61139 44218 62340 55206 59350 66204 59556 77193 54958 88189 53758 99182 53559 11174 54359 22154 56762 33149 56363 44123 61165 55122 61165 66114 61766 77108 61367 88108 61567 99100 63168 21212 00980 08003 11970 07513 22947 09014 33939 08516 44912 13525 55886 19515 66879 21517 77841 24024 88820 24020 99809 23020 11798 23023 22787 24031 33717 27054 44688 27550 55678 28051 66649 28048 77622 28551 88606 28055 99590 28563 11577 28065 22569 28063 33561 28061 44553 28064 55528 28059 66521 28555 77493 27549 88480 27551 99459 27060 11432 26550 22426 26549 33414 26052 44407 26553 55380 25550 66345 26061 77339 26058 88333 25561 99315 26070 11298 25572 22287 25576 33282 25577 44276 25581 55272 25577 66258 25080 77253 25581 88243 25081 99238 25080 11234 25083 22206 26601 33203 26595 44197 27104 55190 27101 66184 28109 77169 28592 88163 28599 99161 28601 11158 28599 22156 28600 33153 28594 44151 28601 55140 29605 66132 29589 77122 30078 88120 29083 99118 29075 11115 28576 22109 29578 33107 30074 44103 29566 55102 29568 66100 29567 31313 45408 82302 41414 867// 51515 10164 00005 10194 20013 26041= PPBB 56008 72426 90/23 08003 09513 13526 90456 22017 24024 24019 90789 24030 25041 26547 91012 27054 28051 28048 91345 28551 28055 28065 91689 28061 28555 27549 92013 27552 27060 26549 92456 26553 26052 25550 9289/ 26058 25561 93012 26070 25572 25577 93356 25577 25080 25083 939// 26595 94012 27104 27101 28109 94345 28592 28601 28594 94678 28601 29605 29589 95012 30080 28576 29578 9534/ 30074 29568= NNNN