![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Wilmington, OH
Issued by NWS Wilmington, OH
393 UFUS41 KILN 201200 ABVILN 72426 TTCC 70121 72426 70814 60779 28059 50021 64178 28554 30328 66777 28558 20573 65377 29057 10003 52779 26593 07241 36783 25135 88999 77061 25668 438// 31313 45408 81101= TTDD 7012/ 72426 11916 59379 22895 59779 33876 59379 44805 60579 55789 60979 66767 60379 77661 61978 88646 62178 99612 62978 11588 63178 22543 63778 33523 64178 44510 64178 55423 68976 66412 69376 77369 67977 88289 66377 99279 66977 11259 67177 22243 67777 33204 65977 44196 65177 55192 64777 66176 63178 77167 62977 88150 61777 99139 63576 11137 63576 22112 57978 33097 52179 44082 42382 55063 34183 66061 33583 21212 11855 28564 22758 27564 33609 28050 44581 29055 55563 28548 66504 28554 77458 27549 88390 28570 99358 29065 11257 27551 22243 27064 33220 29071 44199 29057 55159 27581 66139 27588 77130 27082 88109 28103 99102 27087 11087 26124 22076 26612 33069 25137 44061 25668 31313 45408 81101 51515 10164 00016 10194 30020 30514= PPDD 70128 72426 9548/ 27567 27562 96034 28060 28050 29055 9657/ 28548 28554 9702/ 27550 28570 98046 27555 29071 29057 99035 27578 27588 27082 86024 26592 26124 26612 86567 25137 26144 25668= NNNN