![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Sterling, VA
Issued by NWS Sterling, VA
078 UMUS41 KLWX 121201 COR SGLIAD 72403 TTBB 62128 72403 00011 01514 11974 03901 22956 04300 33936 03501 44924 04100 55884 03700 66857 02101 77841 02500 88828 02101 99820 00304 11814 00410 22806 00605 33778 00003 44746 01700 55699 03106 66649 06700 77624 08100 88617 08510 99572 12701 11568 12702 22567 12514 33565 12523 44562 12724 55545 13959 66538 14560 77536 14760 88509 16767 99508 16968 11496 16574 22495 16372 33480 17170 44476 16768 55446 20562 66445 20763 77438 21756 88426 23540 99424 22518 11423 22121 22399 24924 33368 29115 44354 31121 55292 42739 66280 45327 77274 46528 88261 48744 99256 49932 11247 51950 22239 53936 33226 56939 44204 62148 55197 63146 66183 66544 77180 67141 88179 67527 99177 66916 11176 66724 22174 65958 33173 65761 44168 65566 55161 64368 66156 60572 77150 58574 88107 64172 21212 00011 35003 11956 09016 22948 09518 33919 08512 44891 11510 55880 15508 66871 19010 77859 21012 88835 20511 99813 27014 11793 28517 22740 26019 33580 26537 44541 25038 55443 26578 66394 25605 77359 25098 88254 25613 99189 27147 11145 27617 22111 26092 33100 26606 31313 44108 81102 41414 874// 51515 10164 00091 10181 10194 10007 26516= PPBB 62128 72403 90/12 35003 04009 09518 90345 09510 16008 21012 90678 26514 28519 27519 909// 26519 91245 26025 26536 26537 9167/ 25539 25038 92025 26568 26578 25604 927// 25098 9305/ 24606 25613 9416/ 27147 27617 95024 27100 26092 26606=