![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Sterling, VA
Issued by NWS Sterling, VA
811 UMUS41 KLWX 060000 SGLIAD 72403 TTBB 56008 72403 00016 03061 11941 02757 22914 05149 33901 05716 44899 05308 55876 03103 66872 03301 77865 01500 88828 01001 99809 01400 11793 01200 22741 00400 33675 03900 44673 04104 55669 03337 66649 04339 77644 04556 88636 04744 99632 04749 11605 07338 22604 07340 33598 07558 44594 07758 55592 07958 66574 08762 77566 09359 88551 10957 99528 13956 11510 16348 22505 16935 33504 16723 44501 16718 55496 17112 66470 19920 77426 24914 88409 27314 99399 28927 11385 30716 22384 30923 33380 31718 44371 32926 55354 35720 66350 36527 77348 36720 88321 41534 99309 43142 11274 49944 22271 50738 33248 55346 44244 56137 55238 57357 66234 56957 77227 58157 88222 59350 99216 59742 11204 62923 22199 64142 33198 63942 44196 63756 55195 62362 66194 61565 77189 58771 88182 57371 99167 57972 11151 56576 22135 57976 33123 61574 44122 61574 55100 63574 21212 00016 16007 11895 20002 22877 23510 33850 21517 44811 25019 55759 27028 66694 26538 77654 28537 88620 27549 99261 27588 11226 28107 22201 27595 33187 28610 44147 29594 55107 29070 66100 28576 31313 44108 82303 41414 876// 51515 10164 00013 10194 18006 26025= PPBB 56008 72403 90/12 16007 16009 16006 90345 13006 24006 21517 90678 24020 26021 27028 909// 27033 91023 26538 28537 27549 9146/ 27549 28051 9205/ 28566 28571 93047 28081 27588 28107 94016 27595 28610 29594 95034 28583 29070 28576=