![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Sterling, VA
Issued by NWS Sterling, VA
117 UFUS41 KLWX 121200 ABVIAD 72403 TTCC 62121 72403 70835 62375 26567 50040 64774 25554 30360 57778 26029 20615 58579 26045 10054 53582 26552 07288 48586 27059 88792 66771 26582 77073 27064 42412 31313 44108 81102= TTDD 6212/ 72403 11918 62974 22792 66771 33740 66371 44729 65573 55722 63374 66700 62375 77600 64973 88576 63774 99530 65973 11479 64574 22446 59377 33425 58978 44346 57179 55308 58378 66286 57178 77270 58778 88246 57579 99228 59378 11178 58379 22169 56980 33150 57979 44147 55981 55135 57579 66131 55981 77125 57379 88117 54182 99107 55781 11101 54582 22099 51783 33095 52183 44084 47586 55078 50385 66073 48386 77069 48986 88066 45988 99063 47787 11053 43790 21212 11913 27582 22848 27596 33714 27072 44694 26565 55672 26066 66618 27556 77561 25053 88525 25547 99492 26556 11434 27037 22359 26040 33337 27043 44327 28039 55301 26029 66296 25531 77282 27029 88249 28540 99207 26037 11170 28051 22160 29047 33147 27547 44133 28549 55124 26541 66102 26051 77094 27552 88086 25056 99078 28055 11073 27064 22053 28060 31313 44108 81102= PPDD 62128 72403 9567/ 27582 27596 96012 26581 27072 26066 96467 27556 25053 25547 968// 26556 97015 27547 27037 26040 97679 27043 28039 25531 98036 27029 28540 26037 99012 27548 28051 29047 99467 27547 28549 26541 86012 27044 26051 27552 86345 25056 28055 27064 8669/ 27559 28060=