![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Sterling, VA
Issued by NWS Sterling, VA
852 UFUS41 KLWX 060000 ABVIAD 72403 TTCC 56001 72403 70841 63974 29048 50047 61777 29534 30366 58779 28035 20622 55182 27537 10069 47986 26562 88999 77101 26563 42502 31313 44108 82303= TTDD 5600/ 72403 11806 65972 22762 63974 33731 65573 44691 64174 55675 61576 66673 61576 77636 64774 88593 63375 99570 64774 11517 63576 22500 61777 33469 63775 44456 61977 55430 63376 66407 59179 77372 55781 88317 59379 99284 56980 11230 58579 22214 58180 33205 55182 44186 54182 55181 52583 66164 51583 77140 55981 88123 52184 99115 53383 11103 50985 22101 47787 33082 49385 21212 11929 29576 22846 29554 33800 29064 44760 30058 55691 28549 66609 30040 77590 29033 88537 27042 99515 28544 11466 31032 22456 29529 33448 29032 44420 29546 55373 28527 66355 26033 77337 28536 88316 27536 99292 28037 11278 30536 22216 27534 33206 28542 44196 26534 55187 28536 66156 27534 77138 26045 88128 28554 99116 29058 11101 26563 22082 27060 31313 44108 82303= PPDD 56008 72403 95689 29576 29554 29064 96024 30055 28549 30040 96578 29033 27042 28544 97012 30030 29032 29546 97456 28527 26033 28536 9789/ 27536 28037 98067 30035 27534 28542 9889/ 26534 28536 99035 28040 27534 26045 9979/ 28554 29058 86014 28556 26563 27060=