![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Tiyan, Guam
Issued by NWS Tiyan, Guam
336 UFGM40 PGUM 121200 ABVGUM 91212 TTCC 62121 91212 70869 78762 10514 50066 68972 11503 30379 60179 21002 20635 54381 09026 10094 41990 09038 88861 84358 11523 77999 31313 44108 81104= TTDD 6212/ 91212 11861 84358 22809 82759 33754 83359 44744 80160 55735 79560 66712 80160 77689 76563 88682 76763 99672 76564 11655 73167 22567 73767 33514 72569 44493 68173 55483 67973 66444 66774 77428 67774 88394 65776 99385 63378 11356 60979 22345 61778 33315 59579 44304 60978 55291 59379 66284 60179 77272 57980 88242 58580 99227 54782 11213 53982 22198 54581 33167 51983 44150 46186 55146 47186 66129 42788 77105 44188 88091 40390 99075 45587 21212 11890 12029 22811 08025 33766 09023 44745 07018 55713 10521 66625 00000 77491 16510 88451 28510 99440 32512 11401 03511 22375 12510 33352 11510 44346 10014 55337 12510 66322 11011 77318 11510 88297 00000 99273 06012 11263 01512 22250 02019 33234 08026 44223 09028 55215 08027 66205 09526 77196 08524 88190 07525 99174 08533 11156 06537 22143 08035 33135 06542 44125 09044 55119 08045 66116 09548 77115 09548 88108 10542 99087 07545 11075 08043 31313 44108 81104= PPDD 62128 91212 958// 12029 96012 08025 09023 10521 9659/ 00000 16510 97135 32512 03511 12510 97678 10014 12510 11011 98012 00000 06012 01512 98346 02019 08026 09028 98789 09526 08524 07525 99135 08533 06537 08035 99689 06542 09044 08045 10016 09548 10542 07545 110// 08043=