![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Grand Junction, CO
Issued by NWS Grand Junction, CO
994 UMUS45 KGJT 051200 SGLGJT 72476 TTBB 55128 72476 00847 08662 11835 13068 22821 12268 33685 01159 44632 04963 55621 05963 66612 06963 77545 13174 88538 13772 99500 18568 11491 19775 22486 20171 33480 19563 44471 20560 55458 21764 66440 23361 77423 25365 88344 35974 99330 37574 11299 39177 22297 39378 33294 39179 44275 40584 55273 40584 66263 39785 77258 38785 88257 38385 99252 38785 11242 39784 22226 42583 33214 44183 44213 44183 55195 47982 66191 48782 77179 51581 88175 52381 99162 53980 11157 54580 22156 54580 33155 54580 44147 55180 55141 54380 66127 58379 77124 59579 88118 61778 99112 62978 11109 64178 22102 67377 33100 68576 44100 68776 21212 00847 08503 11837 15010 22831 15008 33814 18003 44803 22502 55785 23007 66781 23008 77770 22012 88757 22515 99744 23519 11734 23018 22712 24522 33680 23532 44647 25044 55641 25043 66633 25041 77626 24542 88618 25039 99612 24536 11604 24537 22571 24044 33546 24548 44535 24549 55514 25054 66504 24555 77486 25058 88481 25057 99476 25061 11450 26067 22427 26579 33421 26576 44397 27582 55387 27582 66360 27567 77336 28080 88332 28088 99316 28101 11312 28098 22297 28606 33278 27612 44270 27111 55258 28129 66231 27111 77218 27117 88206 27111 99201 27113 11194 27117 22183 26628 33181 26631 44178 27132 55177 27132 66166 27115 77147 25582 88145 25582 99133 25073 11118 26560 22107 22536 33105 22538 44103 22541 55100 21538 31313 45408 81103 41414 00900 51515 10164 00091 10194 24525 24538= PPBB 55128 72476 90/67 08503 18003 23507 9089/ 22515 23017 91012 24522 23532 24542 91345 25039 24537 24044 91678 24546 24549 25054 92013 25061 26067 26576 92457 27582 27582 27567 9289/ 28080 28095 93013 28099 28606 27111 93457 28129 27623 27111 9389/ 27117 27111 94123 27117 26631 27132 94479 27115 25582 25073 95013 25570 26560 22536 9545/ 22541 21538= NNNN