Daily Hydrometeorological Products
Issued by NWS Grand Forks, ND

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SXUS53 KFGF 121531

Daily Hydrometeorological Data Summary
National Weather Service Grand Forks ND
1031 AM CDT Wed Mar 12 2025

Morning Temperatures and Precipitation Reports

Precipitation totals...
High Temperatures and Low Temperatures
For the past 24 hours ending at 12Z... 7am CDT...6am CST

                                      Temperature   24-hr    Precipitation
North Dakota sites:                   Max     Min   Precip*  Snowfall  Depth
Grand Forks NWS                       26      7       0.04       0.8     1
Pembina                               22      3       0.04       0.4     1
Cavalier 7NW                          22      4       0.05       1.0     2
Lankin 6E                             22      15      0.05       1.0     1
Langdon Exp Farm                      23      5       0.06       0.8     9
Baldhill Dam                          28      6       0.00       0.0     0
Lisbon                                33      8       0.00       0.0     0
McLeod                                34      9       0.00       0.0     0

                                      Temperature   24-hr    Precipitation
Minnesota sites:                      Max     Min   Precip*  Snowfall  Depth

Greenbush                             M       M       0.01       0.1     M
Red Lake Falls                        27      5       0.04        M      M
New York Mills                        36      11      0.00       0.0     0

             * precip is rain or melted snowfall (in inches)
        "M" value not reported for this time of the year or missing

                      ------------ COCORAHS* Observations ------------

                                     Precipitation (24 hrs)
                                     Precip  Snowfall Depth
North Dakota sites:
Durbin                                0.00    0.0     M
Fargo 4NNE                            0.00    0.0     M
Cavalier 8WNW                         M       1.0     M
Abercrombie                           0.00    0.0     M

Minnesota sites:
Lake Park 6S                          0.00    0.0     T
Warren 7 NW                           0.10    1.6     M
Twin Valley                           0.00    0.0     M
Pelican Rapids 6E                     0.00    0.0     M
Crookston 1ENE                        0.04    0.6     M

 * Community Collaborative Rain Hail & Snow Network
         To become a COCORAHS observer go to: www.cocorahs.org
