![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Quad Cities, IA IL
Issued by NWS Quad Cities, IA IL
843 UFUS43 KDVN 121200 ABVDVN 74455 TTCC 62122 74455 70821 59580 26061 50031 58781 28063 30356 55781 30039 20612 58780 29545 88999 77968 26090 41110 31313 45408 81102= TTDD 6212/ 74455 11993 57177 22902 58579 33829 58180 44792 58380 55746 57781 66739 57780 77682 60180 88632 59380 99611 59780 11598 59780 22577 59780 33543 60580 44478 56981 55440 55981 66413 56980 77402 57381 88355 55781 99329 54981 11318 55381 22305 55781 33297 55781 44285 55581 55236 57580 66208 59180 77197 58780 88193 58578 21212 11968 26090 22922 25583 33908 26086 44880 25582 55866 26086 66852 26082 77838 26085 88770 27070 99718 26064 11694 26060 22672 25560 33640 25564 44620 26067 55610 25567 66569 26559 77559 26560 88539 26059 99502 28063 11486 28554 22461 26048 33445 25553 44436 26055 55404 27546 66397 27046 77390 26549 88383 26552 99362 28044 11348 27045 22342 27042 33336 27544 44300 30039 55294 30042 66288 30044 77277 29036 88262 28043 99247 27041 11224 30038 22219 29539 33215 30039 44211 29537 55202 29044 66193 30052 31313 45408 81102 51515 10164 00020 10194 10018 19513= PPDD 62128 74455 95456 26090 26086 26086 9579/ 26085 27070 96012 26065 26060 25560 96345 26067 25567 26560 96689 26059 28554 26048 97012 25551 26055 27546 97356 26552 27045 27544 979// 30044 98013 29537 28043 27041 98567 29539 29537 29044 = NNNN