![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Detroit/Pontiac, MI
Issued by NWS Detroit/Pontiac, MI
404 UMUS43 KDTX 121201 COR SGLDTX 72632 TTBB 62128 72632 00982 08741 11971 09143 22956 09123 33935 09733 44912 10112 55889 10322 66883 10115 77862 08958 88844 09956 99839 09561 11833 09964 22820 10963 33817 11165 44813 10571 55804 10771 66796 11364 77793 11557 88790 11549 99780 12356 11769 13347 22766 12526 33763 11919 44759 11916 55755 11916 66738 10917 77715 11515 88688 13318 99683 13321 11654 14107 22644 14312 33631 13318 44606 14729 55557 18513 66550 18921 77543 19515 88541 19729 99535 20129 11504 23518 22500 23732 33486 25324 44481 25913 55465 27938 66464 27950 77463 27757 88461 27150 99460 26943 11458 26744 22450 27349 33437 28534 44430 29150 55423 30137 66417 31157 77412 31730 88409 31928 99408 31931 11407 32147 22405 32346 33386 34945 44384 35150 55353 40141 66347 41148 77337 42733 88332 43344 99330 43557 11325 44350 22311 47137 33303 48550 44292 50741 55285 51739 66283 51743 77276 52157 88273 52756 99267 52761 11264 52963 22261 53363 33258 52766 44242 55168 55236 55366 66228 56767 77209 58368 88208 58368 99207 58168 11199 59968 22184 60571 33173 58375 44161 59375 55153 57177 66146 58377 77141 56778 88124 58777 99111 57179 11100 58978 21212 00982 04504 11960 08513 22944 09018 33922 08010 44786 00000 55765 21510 66716 26522 77689 26526 88659 24537 99634 26048 11561 25066 22512 25056 33313 25101 44254 25143 55228 25133 66206 25146 77182 25623 88155 25623 99126 26098 11121 26609 22101 26588 33100 26088 31313 44108 81108 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00020 10181 10194 07507 25509= PPBB 62128 72632 90/23 04504 09517 09508 90467 01008 30002 20001 9089/ 22012 26022 91012 26526 24537 25044 91456 25057 25066 25059 918// 25056 92059 25567 25592 25101 93046 25107 25143 25133 938// 25146 94148 25623 25623 26098 949// 26609 9503/ 26599 26088=